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Word Count: 1563    |    Released on: 30/05/2022

he throw. Same for Gizelis and Nish. They were quit

us?" Nish was s

given compassion to anyone. They were selfish, arrog

right!" Xcero

word and clashed with a sharp po

mies ar

ave collars. Zeliker was fighting with Enta who appeared again with another d

ble with my master!"

thought I was hel

a blast of wind tornado. The bl

demon?!" The demon looks

Don't ask me. I'

thunder from it towards Zeliker. Zeliker didn't dodge

. It was because the summoni

ink' prince! Everyone stops!" The de

's pri

pective opponents. When they were back near Kion, the

lly a demo

ith abilities, so, s


tremendous p

emon wa

sters will be mad if these people come

eyes after meeting the eyes of Zeliker. It was like they

still in pain after the last bombing accident. It would be a lie for him to not

nd let himself be the last one to get the impact of the bomb. He finally wondered


r Highness, these seem like an organization

ere humans who helped the demons capture other humans. They also h

e, High and Royal classes while a human has Royalty, Equestrian, Patrician, Plebei

fault. They were unlucky to be born as one of the lower ranks. But he


ws about human trafficking. It wasn't that unusual because

he saw Enta attacking him. The othe

ou doing?!" Kion

that all royal demons were stronger than

this guy! Or do you guys want ou

mble in fear. Some slowly clenched their

gravity under all of them except for Kion. He thinks Kion deserves

fell to the ground and were stuck there. Th

he bowed to Zeliker. His body tremblin

. Don't hurt them... Forgive us. F

stunned by Zeliker's action. A

they be laying there like them? They

swer me. Who is your maste

. "Our masters...

ned him. He forgot he could not speak their names

the slave collars worn by the demon slaves inst

Why does no one tell them that

er was so it doesn't come as a surprise to them. But... Could Zeliker

heir names." Ze

ly. Tears formed in his eyes before they fell. Then, he cried loudly with som


ss..." Kion couldn't speak be

he save them? Why do all of them

id it again!" Enta


on the ground. Enta was struggling


e you guys even more." His words

how you interrogate them."

thods. Xcerox and Nish follow behind him. Z

e always saw his father do that to

rongdoing if they want to live longer. And they wo

ow. Can you tell me what happens? Take it slowly. No need to

f down. What a shameful thing he shows. He's al

siblings who were also a slave. If the collars were destroyed, the alarm would be sounded on

who looks at him with deep resentment.

did he go?!" Gi

n't be..." He turns in the dir

e?!" Nish also lo

base but he was searching for someone he felt familiar with

out, S

of a tree. His height was 1.91 meters with light blue

Your Highness Princ

my father

oks down again. Zeliker's cold fac

le to find you. He rewards Eleise to

ightly. "Do you mean he

e immortality item? S

my l

sided. "So, are you h

ow you like al

a place I want


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