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Chapter 5 SCREAM

Word Count: 2007    |    Released on: 30/05/2022

th sweat as he panted heavily. He has long forgotten the pain since the last time. And, he would have never thought afte

e restrains himse

Zeliker without knowing Zeliker'

t your body rest,"

izziness and was unwell. His sight also seems to turn darker and darker. At least Gizeli

on would ambush or assault him. It was a training lesson from his fat

eness, that is what

’t anyone let him

be brought here. So, he lay down on his uninjured side on the ready-mad

ent to get more bandages a

f so much until today," Risep

he’s hurting himself?

give a sa

ow all royal demons have hard skin after they are born. Zeliker doesn't have this gift. Moreover, his emotion is easily seen if he was injured. T

t Zeliker before. No wonder even a short blade can cut deep. It would

at time without allowing himself to

d while looking at Zel

m around that time too. Until now, I finally found out how much he abu

ons like this too?

to carry their responsibility as demon royalty. Zeliker might be an unluc

nt. He also realised some

him. And Zeliker did none of it. Zeliker really does hide his true heart from everyone. Only through his actions, we can

veryone someday. And I still don't agree to let Zeliker go home again. We need to hide hi

ing about this." Gizelis said

since his body can recover on its own

ays l

t. When he moves to stand, he can feel slight pain but it was more comforta

alise they moved me b

sunflowers outside cheered him up. He opened the bandage on his left eye. It

'm al

in or outside the hou

ot afraid if he ran awa

sunflower field was. He picked one of them and chewed it. Unfortunately, he still felt s

lled stealing

ady brought him to the freezer. His hands slowly moved to touch it and

rpen as he t

e! Who? Gizelis


was su

n’s scr

e house. The scream was

go see

es a warning again because he uses enhancement speed to arrive near a small road.

ar a horse-drawn carriage. There were

o's one of them was a young woman in a commoner get-up. He

like to kidnap each other?

m. This was the first time for him to see they did the opposite. He didn't

rn. Or should

. He immediately dodged the attack while jumping backwards and doing a flip in

cked him. A male demon armed with a pair of black gloves. L

him. After all, other demons should h

ooking for or would you prefer d

ood the meaning. Zeliker had asked him whether he would like to tal

thought he would meet this demon, unknown of its origin. Moreover, Zeliker's hair and

on. He has the least information about demon royalty and has never seen one before. His master never t

least until my maste

that Zeliker saw just now. He can't let anyone who saw the group's departure

r dodg

y is go

e, the other hand moved towards his chin and he dodged it again with an inverte


es out a

ed to punch Enta's chest a few times with a fast movement. Th

fell before his body. Because of that, his mouth was full

harp nails at Enta’s heart. However, Zeliker stopped what he was doing. Instead, he h

't fought anyone. Now, what should I

was a s

with his power. As for why he didn't destroy his collar, it was to make Gizelis and other hu

ound to see Gizelis, Riseptos and four other people in a hood. Those four w

elis got down from his horse and

n assassin?!" H


nd. He didn't even change his face alt

u could have sounded but

led at the funny sound while th

is not funny!" One of them

Why is

an explanation. Gizelis who had already look

still hungry. Why didn't you eat

Some teenagers were brought away ju

xplain it to them? He

didn't you r

aid because Zeliker looked like he was just w

was not human. It was actually unr

d I'm tired. I have no energy

a f

? And how did he even arrive here which was one kilometre away fro

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