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The Fire Saber Rangers

Chapter 4 Party Crusher 2

Word Count: 2039    |    Released on: 29/05/2022

he rangers by creating a monster in form of a young looking guy to

oe got outside and saw cole a

a little bit jealous"Jack said as they saw Co

waited for an answer n

at is that he's pu

t's a neckla.... oh my Good

n her parcel that he gave to her and it turned out to be a b

elle, James immediately con

read me ,Michelle i

as jack runs to cole while

she carries her a little while Ja

ck was not done when Freddie

's wr

a necklace on Mic

" Chloe said with t

good" Kelvin seemed a bit happy t

Who ar

James imposed a question, Cole

hloe still on the floor

Freddie ordered as the

and later destroy you rangers" The party

missed your way

use it's morphine time" Kelvin led

e Fire s

ately they Throw the disks to the air. the disk Spins in the air a


n the disk on their watch which triggers red, blue, black, gold and

ear to be The Fire Saber Range

action" The 5 announced after t

ns" The party Crusher commanded as set of tr

ck" Freddie ordered the team and th


she moves quick in her fight against the t

asted some set of troys after converti

to toy with a ranger" Freddie s

to the ground and punches it's face while james fights a gang o

down the grave" Kelvin yelled as he

ge; Fire spin" And at that; it

Kelvin yelled as he strike the troys

Troys. He gets close to The

d in pain and yelled bac

y!" Jack the black ranger answers

ile fighting off another one. Kelvin comes hi

of the Troy’s attack. He elbows

l rounded up and Fr

" They all take their disk

" Spinning the disk in a clockwise direction

aber slash" And boom, al

help Jack who was knocked to

asked as he lifted him


e of escape for you" Freddie pointed

nish this

eddie announced as the

g their disks and saber to the

he five Sabers transfor

mmand, their blasters combined

Blast to the monster. Both red, blue, black, gold and yellow color, combini

t over" Those where his

like it's over

ire saber saves the day" Fr

rom their uniforms and head towar

kay" Trying to lift

ichelle inquired a

guy was a monster

doubted them as she can't believe that a cute

you. Thanks to Kelvin who figured that he's up to something" Fre

rs?" Noticing her mood

ho loved and care for me *sobs*

need a thank you. Chloe Still petting her best friend was cut off by Jack wh

her" Jack said as he tries

ion was answered by the

gn, Chloe stands up whi

best time to tell how i feel but i guess

Kel?" Michelle asked as

you... I loved and always will i love you. i cared for you

" Michel

ok at someone destroy what you love the most... Michelle I know am not putting my words right or maybe it looks lame but al

" Shockingly Kelvi

helle and i wil

a thing" Kelvin asked afte

s out" Michelle replied

on becoming a thing. Still congratulating them on their ❤, M

wrong? Why the Swi

r, disrupted my party, Now it

ispered something to Kelvin who

prise for you" Chloe smiley said whi

e Michelle wondered what the s

Hey Mich! Don't forget C

t was used against herm With that they laughed together and walked towards her basem

e on to on their faces everyone yell

ichelle silently said be

e to do this" Kelvin calmly

hat to say(sobs)" Michelle said

we feel bad for not getting you anything even though I got you something

ea; wh

ay is that we feel bad for

e I have ever had.... Apart from the time when chloe surprise

t a guy who sell tickets on the street" Chloe said

ve these guys. Never thought people would come to

offee meetings; cupcake improtu meetings" seeing it nev

them which became a surprise to Michelle as she never k

Mr Wilson!

s. Happy birthday" Mr Wilson smi

ice of you Mr Wilson"

s with the motive of talking to everyone on

ichelle waves to them till

t you guys could come to my party. Special thanks to those who made it happen... Fre

who has been a supportive friend t

to party Dj" Jack yells as the Dj pla

down the stairs to join the rest who

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