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The Fire Saber Rangers

The Fire Saber Rangers

Tobih Daniels


Freddie Jones who is 20 of age is the lead protagonist in the story. He plays the Role of a determined and curious young man who through his curiosity became something impossible. His dream led to a full turn around for him, his siblings and friends. Lord Jurazuss, 100 of age is the lead antagonist in this novel. He is the overlord of THE KOLVAX GALAXY. He is the adversary of The Fire Saber Rangers. He's from the Kolvax world but lives in a space ship on space. He is a ruthless and cure being who is bent on taking out The Fire Saber Rangers an also controlling the world Several Centuries ago their lies two galaxies very far from earth. The Kolvax Galaxy & the Saber Galaxy. The Kolvax Galaxy is a powerful world where only the wicked lives. Because of how powerful Kolvax galaxy is, they tried to take control of every planets starting with THE SABER GALAXY But... One of the features of THE SABER GALAXY is that they're known for supernatural powers. With the Help of OLD ZUES the Leader of the Saber Galaxy, LORD NUGADOG the leader of the Kolvax galaxy was stopped from achieving his grievous plan. Lord Nugadog diverted his invasion plan down to the next world with beings in it..... A world I like to call EARTH... Seeing what as befall earth, Old Zeus decided to help earth by choosing special beings that look like humans enhanced with powers. They are known as THE FIRE SABER RANGERS But still they weren't enough to stop LORD NUGADOG. It took all rangers from different universe to defeat LORD NUGADOG. Years after years, More Leaders emerge from The Kolvax world with a common goal which is – End the Fire Saber Rangers and take control of the world. Emperor Gurazuss who was the 9th Leader of the Kolvax galaxy was destroyed by the 9th Fire saber Red Ranger – Barry Jones. 18 years later, Jurazuss the son of Emperor Gurazuss acting as the 10th leader of the Kolvax galaxy world whose theme is also to control earth, destroy the rangers and also take control of the world PLACED a threat on the city of Auckland. Freddie Jones's frequent dream brought some hidden about who his father really was. Not only that but made also his siblings and three other friends become what they never thought of BECOMING. But with the help of Kim popularly known as Mrs. J, Their gears and abilities, The New Fire Saber Rangers attempts to stop Lord Jurazuss, dark vage, Max Luther and their troys from taking over the world...

Chapter 1 The Story The Chosen one

S1/Ep1: Freddie's dream brought out some hidden secrets about who his father really was... Meanwhile a ravaging threat seems to bug The city of Auckland. As the chosen one, Freddie must find away to stop this threat.






Down in the earth, There is a beautiful country situated at the southwestern part of the pacific ocean. It consist of two main landmasses - The north island and the south island.

Auckland city is a major city in the north island of New zeland with the population of about 1.7 million citzens... Auckland is a beautiful place at which people come for tourism because it has diffrent items to behold. It has an iconic sky tower, bars, cafe and the city's oldest park which is located at the PUKEKAWU VOLCANO. It has a beach located at the downtown mission bay..

Auckland possesses Beautiful waterfalls, Well standard schools, zoo and the rest. Did i forget to tell you that Auckland is the only city that has the highest number of Industries in New Zealand. Auckland also posses multi-cultural hub of food, music, arts and culture...which mean it's just as a typical "like" of Nigeria. This details will give you assurance that Auckland is one of the most beautiful and richest city in the whole world.......




Meanwhile there lived a family at the Hillsborough road In a wodden beautiful duplex house, named the Jones family. Jack Jones, Freddie Jones, Chloe Jones and their mom Kim Jones are all wonderful family to the enivironment. People love to hang with the family, talk with family and so on

Saturday been school off day, The Jones family decided to sit and relax at home. Jack is seen in the living room on his laptop doing some School stuffs, Chloe on the other hand is busy with her phone texting (You know girls) While freddie is at his room having a nice sleep

Freddie on the other hand seem to be having a dream and when we take a close look at his dream we see that his dream is about an Evil ugly looking Monster who's battling with his father and was about to kill him. Due to the attempted murder of his father, Freddie snaps out of the dream with a shout which went very Loud. From the look on Freddie's face, He looks very afraid. That single shout attracted Kim(His Mom) who was in her room all the while.

"Freddie!!!, What's wrong, why did you scream like that" Kim asked Freddie who was trying to get himself

"Relax Freddie. Take it easy alright. Just tell me what happened" She added as Freddie replied back in fear

"I had a DREAM"

"A DREAM!!!" Kim exclaimed with surprise

"Yes mum; I saw dad and a monster. They engaged into a fight and the monster won. The monster was ready to pierce dad in the belly and that was when i woke up. Mom what's going on; why am I having this same dream over and over" Freddie asked confused

"Son I want you to take it easy alright... take a deep breath and you'll feel fine I promise"

You know as a mother, all Kim tries to do is to make Freddie feel good as that didn't last long. They were interrupted by Jack and Chloe who dashed in

"Freddie! I heard your scream from the dinning room" Chloe said as she threw the door opened

"Yea me too, Is everything okay? Mom" Jack asked as he Looked at his mom for an answer;

"I had a DREAM" Freddie replied in a way that a man without life would have answered

(Looking surprised, Jack and Chloe looked at each other face and exclaimed)

"A dream!!!"

"yea, a very bad dream" he replied

"hey bro; sure you don't wanna tell us about it" Chloe childishly asked as jack also added

"yea..i mean if you don't tell us ; I don't see who you'll tell"

(seeing he has no choice, Freddie explains the dream to them)


"Woah, that was really a bad dream" Jack explained as he sat back on the wooden chair placed beside the closet

"That's true"

Meanwhile, Kim who was just staring at them for a long time sighed and spoke out

"(sighs), Kids there's a story I'll like to tell you"

"A story" Chloe asked .......

"yea" Kim replied

"But what does TELLING A STORY got to do with my dream" Freddie asked confused not knowing what telling a story has to with is terrible nightmare

"You'll get to know very soon" Kim replied Freddie as Chloe sits beside him hugging him tightly as a child would hold on to his mother

"You see kids, you trouble me with a lot of questions about your Father, Where he is, why you haven't seen him for a couple of years now" Kim said.......

"Yea mum" Freddie cuts in

"That's true. And you haven't given us an answer" jack added

"yea; but today I'll tell you who, what and where your father is" Kim said as her statement looked like parable to them

"At last! but wait a minute; what do you mean by who; what and where he is?" Chloe asked confused

"yea as we all know our dad is Barry Jones and according to what you told us he was an engineer before he died" Freddie added which made Kim pause for a while before she spoke

"Actually I lied" Kim said feeling guilty

"(sighs) Oh Me Heavens!!!" Chloe exclaimed as jack and freddie looks at her..... she jokenly added

"actually that's what Michelle and i do whenever we hear latest news. But seriously mom why" Chloe said taking the jokes apart

"Because I never wanted you to KNOW the cause of your father's disappearance" Kim explained

"Disappearance??? I thought he died" Jack wondered

"not at all; your father as been transported to the SABER GALAXY WORLD " Kim said breaking the real case down. As she said that, jack who never heard that word Exclaimed

"The Saber what!!"

"You heard me right THE SABER GALAXY WORLD"

"(Scoffs) And where is that? a city in Miami?" Freddie jokingly asked which didn't appeared to be funny to the others.

Shaking his head in disagreement Jack said "Not cool bro"

"(chuckles) Actually not Miami Freddie. But the SABER GALAXY WORLD is a planet is where all THE PAST CHOSEN ONES WHO WE KNOW AS THE FIRE SABER RANGERS are transported to when their time is over or where the captured monsters are imprisoned by the past power rangers "

Kim's answer made jack and Chloe surprised again as they looked at each other and said together

(Actually it's their style in the Jones family)


"Yea! The Fire Saber Rangers" Kim affirmed her point

"Oh my God this is getting interesting' Jack chuckled

"Who are The Fire Saber Rangers" Freddie asked a wonderful question from Kim....

"My question" Chloe added

"Wow, We're gonna spending a lot of time here, Anyway I'll Explain" Kim lit up as she explains to them what a power ranger is

"A Fire Saber Ranger or i 'll say Fire Saber rangers are group of people who team up together to save and protect the earth and the people from the evil ones who are bent on taking control of the earth" Kim said as she paused looking into their faces to see if they're following her story

"At that time; your father was the chosen one. Meaning he was chosen to be a leader of the Fire Saber rangers, A Red Ranger Precisely..."

Kim explained to them but Chloe was still kind of wondering if this was true or not

"(Laughs)You're Kidding right"

"You see Son! The dream you had was not just any dream but it was real" Kim addressed freddie's dream

"(scoffs) sorry I don't follow" Freddie blurted

"Many Many years ago, A year after Chloe was born; There's was this great event that took place between your father and The great Lord Jurazuss " Kim said picturing the event"

"The great What now?" Jack asked

"The great Jurazuss.... He's the Lord and leader of the Kolvax Galaxy world" Kim explained

"Oh i see, it was this monster that almost killed dad" Freddie now understood his dream knowing who was battling with his dad.

"The leader of The Saber Galaxy world OLD ZUES informed Your father that his time was over meaning The Lord of the Kolvax Galaxy is gonna challenge him into a fight"

"But Why was his time over" Chloe cuts in

"(sighs) As a ranger; you have a mission and that is to capture the bad guys but at a certain time, if you don't; then another chosen would be produced. Your father didn't complete his mission and so it was time for him to rest" Kim replied softly

"wait a sec; do you mean rest in peace" Chloe asked

"What! no. He's transported to the saber galaxy world with other chosen ones. After your father escaped the attempted murder by Jurazuss, I never heard anything from him again" Kim softly replied as tears began to fall from her eye

"Damn it" Jack said angrily as he hits his chair

As Kim narrated that experience; Chloe moves closer to her cuddling her

"Its okay mom (sighs) its alright.... I now know why you wanted to keep it as a secret from us"

"The thing is what does this monster wants.... like I mean there must be a reason for him to have troubled the whole city" Freddie cuts in been curious of the truth

"I agree with you fred... there's more to this mo" Before Jack could finish his statement, They heard the bell rung Downstairs

"I'll get it" Chloe silently jump off the bed, ran downstairs and opens the door to see Kelvin and James standing on the way

"Argh! it's you guys" chloe grunted as she opens the door for kelvin and James and later yells Freddie's name.....

"Freddie!!! , Kelvin and James are here"

"Why are you not happy to see us" James wondered

"I mean I don't get" Kelvin added

Just as she was about closing the door, Michelle (Chloe Best friend) popped into the House by surprise

"Hey Girlfriend" .

"What the-" Chloe startled

"Startled you" Michelle smiley asked

"yea! what are you doing here.. I thought you were suppose to be in Florida"

"Yea about that; our flight was cancelled, mom decided that next month we'll fly down to Florida. so I just thought instead of staying indoor; i should kick it here for the day " Michelle replied which made Chloe smile

"Awwn that's so nice of you"

Just as the conversation was still on, Freddie, jack and Kim walks downstairs to meet them

"Well well well and who do we have here" Kim slowly asked

"Hi Mrs J" The three friends greeted in unison

"Hello children! how do you do" Kim replied

Michelle answered on behalf of the two

"We are fine.....Thank you"

Moving away from that; Kelvin Faces Freddie and asked

"Bro!, Have you seen the news"......

"Uhnn, nope, what's going on" Freddie asked as kelvin takes the remote from the table and turned on the tv

"See for yourself"


"Good day Citizens, My name is Milo Havens and you are welcome to Auckland global news at 12...... Breaking News!!! Earlier today; Up in the sky; a vedio was projected all over Auckland showing a viscious monster threatening to destroy and take control of the earth"

Milo havens said as the tv changes to a vedio of a monster looking devilishly and scary with some kind of long sharp horn attached to his shoulders and his staff to his left hand

"Hello Earth, Get ready to be invaded by your worst Enemy. You may want to ask who, Well I'll tell you, it's ME!!!. (LAUGHS). In a twinkle of an eye, your world will be in confusion, my troys and my monsters will be everywhere and I'll take over the WORLD!!!!" Jurazuss laughed hysterically

Milo havens continues with other stories

"and in other news; In the city of Chicago, A dog is seen to be predicting people's future as he opens his own future palace"

At that Kelvin switches off the t.v.

"Oh my God, What is that ugly looking beast?" Michelle asked as she felt irritated by the ugly looking monster.

"JURAZUSS!!! " Kim grunted in anger

"Wait! was that-" Freddie asked pointing to the screen

"Yes! Jurazuss himself" Kim answer made jack a little bit uncomfortable

"crap; this is bad.... now just waking up thinking it's a good day but turned out worst by hearing the real story about your father and then boom a monster is willing to destroy the earth"

"What's going on" James asked

"who's this JURAZUSS of a guy and why does he want to destroy the earth" Kelvin further asked

Before anyone could reply; Chloe Blurted out

"First of all, he is a MONSTER..... Second of all, Jurazuss is a leader and ruler of all ugly creatures in the Kolvax Galaxy world. Can you imagine this jerk almost killed my dad"

As Chloe said those words Jack and Freddie yelled at her, calling her name: "CHLOE!!!!"

"What!!, Is that not what mom told us" Chloe said in an I don't care manner

"Wait a minute; Saying this monster almost killed your Dad means that he's still alive" Kelvin dectectively asked

"Technically not.... but it's a long story " Jack tried to change the topic

"then cut it short dude" James replied

"that would be story for another day.... but mom What do we do. I mean we cannot just sit around while our world is about to be destroyed by a monster" Jack tries to explain to Kim that something must be done.

"I agree with Jack mom... but as you said there must be a chosen one who'll will protect the world" Freddie said

"And who could that be??" Chloe asked

"Actually there is a chosen one" Kim said which lit Jack's face


"Yea... Freddie you remember saying that this was not the first nor the second you had that dream" Kim directed to Freddie

"Actually this is the fifth time but what does it have to do with the chosen one" Freddie asked

"That's because Before or after a person is been chosen He sees revelation of himself or Past chosen ones engaging a battle with what he's about to face... which means"

"Freddie having this dreams automatically mean he's the chosen one"

Kelvin interrupted Kim as he's the genius there and he figured out Kim's explanation

"WHAT" They all looked surprised

"tell me it's not true mom" Chloe protested

"I can believe Am saying this but yes. Kelvin's right" Kim replied with a sad face

"it can't be... I mean I don't have a percent skill of what dad had. i myself saw how dad fought that monster and still lost.... with that I can't even save my friends talkless of the whole city" Freddie protested

"(sighs) Son it's not about you knowing how to fight or not; it's about your willingness to save your family; friends; the world from this threat. Freddie as much as I don't want you to do this. i want you to think about this... How will you feel when you have the ability to save the earth and you did nothing" Kim's question made Freddie think for a while before speaking out

"Yea I'll feel bad but even if i agree to protect the city; I can't do this alone" Freddie cried out

"Actually you won't be doing this alone" Kim smilly said


"Yes Jack.. I have been studying your friends for a while and I have come to the conclusion that they are responsible children and I think they be willing to save their earth" Kim replied........

James who was silently all the time the conversation went on. blurted out

"Uhh where is this going Mrs J?"

"You guys are gonna team up to become Fire Saber Rangers"


"Fire Saber Rangers"

"Mm-hm" kim nodded

"As in technically THE FIRE SABER RANGERS" Kelvin inquired as he has read much about them

"You've heard about them" Jack surprisingly asked

"huh, yea" Kelvin replied

"me to" Michelle added

"Okay this is getting interesting" James complimented

"But wait how do we become rangers? I mean Freddie is the chosen one and i think he's the only one that has the instrument to fight" Kelvin said that as he Winked his fingers in the air to buttress his point.....

"My point" Jack added as Kim smiles at them before responding

"Everyone follow me"

"Where are we going mom?"

"Just follow me"

Kim takes them down the basement walks up to a corner in which it's covered by a curtain. Kim opens the curtain and lo and behold, A metal door is placed behind the curtains. Kim opens the door using the device placed on the door as she insert a password. The Metal door automatically opens and they walked into the room.

The room seems like it hasn't been operating as some devices are filled with dust. Kim takes a duster as she dust some important things

"OH MY GOD!!! Have never come across this place" Chloe cried out

"Me too" Jack added.....

Kim Chuckled and said

"Yea, its been a long time since i came down here. Anyway welcome to your secret Hideout. This is where all things you need to know about been a Fire Saber ranger"

"Really" Michelle asked...

"See for your self"

Kim said as Michelle began to tour every section in the basement.........

The base has different feature like systems, A big flat screen on the wall, different seat with different colour like red, blue, black, yellow, gold, pink and white. Also it has two parts where one is using as the training ground while the second part is where things like water stand, coffee stand is placed

"Now Back to your question, you need this saber disk and this wrist com to undergo a morph sequence and also I will also be communicating with you guys on this wrist com." Kim said to them as she brings out a brown box. She opens it and take out the disks and wristcom as she hands it over to them

"Holey moley.... i love this" James said as he's amused by the disk, the wrist com and the secret hideout

"But how do we use it? Michelle asked

"Good question! Now I'll show you how to enhance the morphing sequence. Uhnn Freddie! Hand me over your wrist com and the disk"

"huh, okay" Freddie said as he hands over the wristcom and disk

"So Guys, do you know what time it is?"Kim asked as she was still wearing the wrist com

"Uhnn...This is 12:30 " James replies as he checked his watch.... Chloe also added "Yea--He's right"

Kim Chuckled at their answer and said "That's not what I mean"

"Then what do you mean?" Freddie asked

"Well What i meant to say was -- It's Morphine time, Activate Fire Saber disk"

[Kim yells as the disk appears at the back of her hand; immediately she throw the disk to the air. THE disk Spins in the air and later turns back and clicks on the watch at the word "Engage"]

"Fire Spin"

[After the Engage sequence, she uses her right fingers to spin the disk on the watch which triggers red fire and she undergoes the morphine sequence]

[After transformation She appear to be The Fire Saber Red Rangers with her sword]

"Fire Saber Red Ranger, Ready for action" Kim announced

"No way" jack cried out

"Oh my God... Did you Just" Chloe stuttered as she points at her suit

"Yes I did" Kim answered

"Oh My!" Jack exclaims

"You are a Fire Saber ranger" Kelvin and Michelle said together

"This is way to believable" Freddie also added

They all said different things in different ways to express their amusement

"Guys, For the record are we talking about actual Fire Saber rangers?" James stupidly asked which made Kim chuckle

"So guys try it out now, according to your disk"

"This is amazing Guys--I can't believe am gonna be a ranger" James still speaking was interrupted by a sound which appears to be an alarm sound. DANGER ALARM SOUND!!!

"Uhnn- What's that sound" Michelle asked as she covered her ear from the sound

"That's not good"

To be Continued

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Other books by Tobih Daniels

The Fire Saber Ranger

The Fire Saber Ranger



Freddie Jones who is 22 of age is the lead protagonist in the story. He plays the Role of a determined and curious young man who through his curiosity became something impossible. His dream led to a full turn around for him, his siblings and three other friends. Lord Jurazuss, 100 of age is the lead antagonist in this novel. He is the overlord of The Kolvax Galaxy. He is the adversary of The Fire Saber Rangers. He comes from the Kolvax world but lives in a space ship on space. He is a ruthless and curel being who is bent on taking out The Fire Saber Rangers and also controlling the world The novel starts with an event between the 9th Fire Saber Ranger - Barry Jones and Lord Jurazuss. It went so bad for Barry that he almost died. Kim Jones explained to Freddie about the fearsome dream he had. It was then revealed that there must be someone who will chose to protect the earth for Jurazuss and his clans. Despite his unwillingness, Freddie became the chosen one and with the help of his siblings and other three friends, they stopped the invasion that almost took out the whole of carlsville city. Becoming the new fire saber rangers, they battled with many more monsters. Though there were many times they never agreed to eachothers plan, at the end it was revealed that what brings them together is their working together In the episode Terryble, it was revealed that Kim Jones the mother to Freddie, Jack and Chloe also known as Mrs J to the other to three friends was also a white fire saber rangers. Even though she never engaged in battle with her kids in defeating terryble, she saved Freddie from a great danger Moving towards the end, It was revealed that Freddie's future son - David Jones traveled back in time to visit his father and also to end the existence of Jurazuss in the present. He explained that doing this would erase Jurazuss and his minacs from the Future. However his coming to present caused a great trauma for his family as he lied about something With the help of Kim popularly known as Mrs. J, Their gears and abilities, The New Fire Saber Rangers, David Jones and Surprisingly Barry Jones who came out of the Saber Galaxy world, They all ended the existence of Lord Jurazuss and The Kolvax Galaxy.





Kcee Jones originally Kelechi Jones is the lead protagonist of the novel A DAY, he is 39 years old who plays the role of the head of field opps In Federal Bueare of investigation located in the capital of Lagos - Ikeja. As an FBI agent working on the field, you must have someone who will be your eye and ear. Kate Orlando Daniels, a black American plays that role. She a full time data anaylst who has worked for FBI for a long time. She's the best friend to the protagonist Kcee Jones. Dando Ayew, is a ghanian who is the lead antagonist, he plays the role of a terrorist who is bent on making Lagos a ghost city The novel begins with a lead on an assumed suspect who attacked lagos growing market; Shoprite!!!. After apprehending the suspect, FBI were made to know that the attack on shoprite was phase one of their plan. Kcee a brillant dectective discovered the so called phase two of their plan. He then set a meeting with the presidnet as he was made to know that Dando possess a biological weapon that could erase half of the world's population. It was futher revealed that Dando has a hidden motive which is to eliminate the president of Ghana for the execution of of his brother who was a full time terrorist back in ghana It finally ended where dando was eliminated by an unknown antagonist who was later apprehended by kcee and the FBI. And finally the peace agreement between Mr President and President Nana went smoothly.... The events in the novel takes place in a DAY

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