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Kcee Jones originally Kelechi Jones is the lead protagonist of the novel A DAY, he is 39 years old who plays the role of the head of field opps In Federal Bueare of investigation located in the capital of Lagos - Ikeja. As an FBI agent working on the field, you must have someone who will be your eye and ear. Kate Orlando Daniels, a black American plays that role. She a full time data anaylst who has worked for FBI for a long time. She's the best friend to the protagonist Kcee Jones. Dando Ayew, is a ghanian who is the lead antagonist, he plays the role of a terrorist who is bent on making Lagos a ghost city The novel begins with a lead on an assumed suspect who attacked lagos growing market; Shoprite!!!. After apprehending the suspect, FBI were made to know that the attack on shoprite was phase one of their plan. Kcee a brillant dectective discovered the so called phase two of their plan. He then set a meeting with the presidnet as he was made to know that Dando possess a biological weapon that could erase half of the world's population. It was futher revealed that Dando has a hidden motive which is to eliminate the president of Ghana for the execution of of his brother who was a full time terrorist back in ghana It finally ended where dando was eliminated by an unknown antagonist who was later apprehended by kcee and the FBI. And finally the peace agreement between Mr President and President Nana went smoothly.... The events in the novel takes place in a DAY

Chapter 1 I

The Following takes place between 8AM and 10AM

Events occurs in real time




Time: 08:05:15



Lagos... Lagos is a major African financial centre and is the economic hub of Lagos State and Nigeria at large. The megacity has the fourth-highest GDP in Africa and houses one of the largest and busiest seaports on the continent. It is one of the fastest growing cities in the world.




A BMW Vehicle skids through Palm groove road projecting straight down to Maryland. Suddenly there appears to be slow movement of vehicle due to a traffic light which projects red. Left and right could be seen filled with buildings; companies and billboard showing advertisement of things like Pepsi; Baby's Diaper; artist advertising their concerts and the rest. People also could be seen walking along both sides of the road; some selling items to those in traffic and the rest... Still inside his BMW, Kcee draws out his phone as he tries to make a call to a government agency building located at the capital of Lagos

After series of buzzing, it went through

"Orlando Daniels on the line" From the other end, Kate cried out

"Hey Kate, it's kcee" kcee calmly responded

"Hey kcee! I was about calling you. We got good news. Headquarters just sent in details of a prime suspect for the Shoprite attack" Kate said as she's spotted walking down to a station

"Well great! Good. Fantastic! This means we're one step ahead. What do we have?" Kcee asked as he held his phone with right hand and the steering with the other

"I think you might wanna have a look yourself" Kate said as she types her login code to have An access to her system wall

"Okay send it" Kcee replies as he tap a button in the jeep and an object inform of a mini TV shows up. Then he later connects a USB chord to His phone and mini TV

"Sending it now" Kate said as she clicks on her system and finally taps the enter button



{Kate Orlando Daniels originally Kate Orlando is a Nigerian born in the city of Las Vegas, America... She's a big time data analyst who works for Nigeria's FBI for at least 16 years. Working As a data analyst she became the best in her department earning medals from both the FBI and the Nigeria government for fighting against crime from bandits and terrorist. She's married to a Nigeria Medical doctor named John E. Daniels}



"Got it" kcee said as he tapped the link sent by Kate and immediately the picture, details of the suspect fades in...

"Ahmed Danladi; born in Bornu state in the year 1979. Married to Mordiat Danladi and has a Kid. He worked as an arm dealer under Jarden (A terrorist) till he created his own empire...."



"Looks like we have a hit" Kcee said as he progressed seeing the light turned green





{Kcee Jones is a onetime Field Agent who works for the FBI for at least 20years.... Kcee been the best in his team has worked with many government and ministries. He prevented a nuclear bomb from being detonated in the city of Port-Harcourt and also prevented the assassination of The Ex President Chukwu Abel... He has faced many challenges and made much bad decision working for the government... Due Working on a particular case, he lost his most beautiful treasure: His wife - Anika Jones) Murdered by His worst enemy Muhammad... After apprehending Muhammad; he EXECUTED him as a payback for what he did to his wife... The only consolation he had was his only son - David Jones... after the death of his mother, David became the only emotional tie for Kcee, giving him something to actually live for even as he had terrible day after terrible day.}




"What do you mean we've got a hit "Kate asked

"Details showed that Jarden was caught but it was never recorded that Ahmed was also caught. which means Ahmed is still in the arm dealing" Kcee was not done when Kate interrupted "But works underground" putting on a (I got it) facial expression

"But how will you get his location" Kate added

"I think I just located ahmed" From the other end in the Station, Joel blurted as he tapped his keyboard and rolled his chair down to Kate's side

{Joel is another effective data analyst who works under Kate.... This story shows that Joel seems to be distracted after hearing that his sister was exposed to the virus.... he had to be focused in order for the battle to be won... he was one of Kate's best side kick}

"Wait are you listen to my conversation" Kate directs to Joel who gave a tiny laughter

"What do we have Joel" Kcee cuts in

"For the past few weeks; I've been working on a case which happens to be this arm dealing case, and luckily I got an hit of dozens of weapons been shipped to a warehouse here in Lagos" Joel said typing on Kate's keyboard to open a database and lastly taps ENTER which shows the location of an area

"Bingo! That's your location. The Radiography warehouse located at plot 32 Yaba road. That may be Ahmed's location" Joel said as he rested on his chair

"You get that kcee" Kate asked

"Yea got that. Seems I won't be heading to FBI after all" Kcee replied

"Okay. But do you need anything" Kate further asked

"Yea Kate. Uh I want you to set a 3 block perimeter cover drone away from the location; radio the cops in that area to also set a 4 block perimeter away from the location.... we don't want Ahmed to have an idea we're coming" kcee instructed


"How far are the Tac teams (Tactical teams)" Kcee asked as he steered his wheels taking a U-turn

"They should be there in 15 or so" šŸ•›

"Roger... and uh, Joel! Good job" Kcee said as he zoomed off with a great speed, on the other end Joel beams with smile




Time: 08:25:32

Location: ASO ROCK




Aso Rock is a large outcrop of granitic rock located on the outskirts of Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. The Aso Rock is a 400-metre (1,300 ft) prominent monolith with a peak height of 936-metre (3,071 ft) above sea level. It is one of the city's most noticeable features..... The level of security is high consisting of more than 200 surfeits of security agents ā€“ police, army, DSS.....

Down to the President Office..........

The President Office is a well arranged room with features like his portrait on the wall, a shelf which contains different books because he appears to be a educationist. A resolute desk found at the end of the room and also a bulletproof glass window found in the three South window of the office. The walls are made up of concrete which are known as bomb barrier... Mr. President is seen on an official wear. A black designer suit with an expensive tie knotted on his white Shirt rounded up with his Black favorite Italian shoe. He appears to be watching the news alone in his office standing afar from his seat

Voice of the News corresponder "after many days of the great dreaded attack situated on the heart of Lagos, Investigation is still on as many lives and properties were lost due to the murderous killing and destruction of people and properties. Security agencies made it clear that these attack were not made neither by robbers nor gangsters, According to The IGP (Inspector General of Police) "This attack were made by armed men with dreaded weapons in which we've never thought of handling (The police force) But we assure you that by the end of this week this perpetrators will be apprehended and let me say this to the public that"

The News was interrupted by the switching of the TV made by The Chief of staff (Yakubu musa) who entered without notifying him

"Mr. President you're not supposed to be watching this"

"(Startled) Oh God you scared the hell out of me... How long have you been watching me " Mr. President asked walking back to his seat

The chief of staff exhales and walks forward

"Long enough to know you weren't even paying attention to the news Mr. President I'm so sorry to have startled you, I know you're very concerned about the warfare of the people and for the country but I want you to know that that's why we have people out there; the security agents"

Shocked at his statement Mr. President turns back and stares at him for sometime before uttering "(scoffs) Okay. Now tell me, As the Chief of Staff appointed to me, for how many weeks are we going to wait for an answer. (pointing to the TV). This attack was made last week and up till now; there seems to be no report on my desk... All I see is The IGP making speeches...To fool who? Me? (Chuckles) You see musa you've been with me for years and you know how I feel when something's right and not right"

"Mr. President; The security agencies are making effort on how to catch those behind this attacks but it will take time" Chief of staff replied

Mr. president sighs before walking towards the door having the intention to speak to the guards... meanwhile the chief of staff stares at him as he stood up from his seat approaching the door "Could you pls give us a moment....Thank you" Mr President said as the guards walk some meters away his office while he closed the door; walked up to his favorite sofa chair instead of his presidential seat. Seeing this, The Chief of Staff joins him

"(Sighs) Musa when I was appointed The President of This republic, my aim is to serve the nation diligently. Take out corruption, provide free education for kids and better life for the citizens of Nigeria but on my arrival; I see that it would be difficult to accomplish it... Why? Because the government appears to be compromised. Meaning I have no one to trust even my wife. But Musa you have worked with me back in Katsina and due to your loyalty, diligence. I can say I trust you. Without thinking twice I made you My Chief of Staff. Now I want you to show me that am making the right choice by trusting you." The President words sank into Yakubu as he thinks for a moment before uttering

"(sighs) Mr. President I um don't know what to say but um.... with uttermost sincerity am so grateful for this opportunity you've given onto me and I assure you before the end of the hour; you get a better report" He replies as he stands up ready to leave "But Mr. President I want you to take it easy. This country needs a leader like you at this time of the hour" He advised

"(smiles) Thank you musa but am counting on you. Don't fail me" Mr. President said with a smile on his face

"I won't Mr. President" Chief of staff lastly said as he walks out of the office walking down the hallway as he takes his cell phone from his pocket ready to make a phone call (phone sound) "Yes this is the Chief of staff to the President. I'll like to speak to the Director in charge of FBI Headquarter. Tell him it's urgent" The chief of staff said as he takes a left turn walking straight to his office

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Other books by Tobih Daniels

The Fire Saber Ranger

The Fire Saber Ranger



Freddie Jones who is 22 of age is the lead protagonist in the story. He plays the Role of a determined and curious young man who through his curiosity became something impossible. His dream led to a full turn around for him, his siblings and three other friends. Lord Jurazuss, 100 of age is the lead antagonist in this novel. He is the overlord of The Kolvax Galaxy. He is the adversary of The Fire Saber Rangers. He comes from the Kolvax world but lives in a space ship on space. He is a ruthless and curel being who is bent on taking out The Fire Saber Rangers and also controlling the world The novel starts with an event between the 9th Fire Saber Ranger - Barry Jones and Lord Jurazuss. It went so bad for Barry that he almost died. Kim Jones explained to Freddie about the fearsome dream he had. It was then revealed that there must be someone who will chose to protect the earth for Jurazuss and his clans. Despite his unwillingness, Freddie became the chosen one and with the help of his siblings and other three friends, they stopped the invasion that almost took out the whole of carlsville city. Becoming the new fire saber rangers, they battled with many more monsters. Though there were many times they never agreed to eachothers plan, at the end it was revealed that what brings them together is their working together In the episode Terryble, it was revealed that Kim Jones the mother to Freddie, Jack and Chloe also known as Mrs J to the other to three friends was also a white fire saber rangers. Even though she never engaged in battle with her kids in defeating terryble, she saved Freddie from a great danger Moving towards the end, It was revealed that Freddie's future son - David Jones traveled back in time to visit his father and also to end the existence of Jurazuss in the present. He explained that doing this would erase Jurazuss and his minacs from the Future. However his coming to present caused a great trauma for his family as he lied about something With the help of Kim popularly known as Mrs. J, Their gears and abilities, The New Fire Saber Rangers, David Jones and Surprisingly Barry Jones who came out of the Saber Galaxy world, They all ended the existence of Lord Jurazuss and The Kolvax Galaxy.

The Fire Saber Rangers

The Fire Saber Rangers



Freddie Jones who is 20 of age is the lead protagonist in the story. He plays the Role of a determined and curious young man who through his curiosity became something impossible. His dream led to a full turn around for him, his siblings and friends. Lord Jurazuss, 100 of age is the lead antagonist in this novel. He is the overlord of THE KOLVAX GALAXY. He is the adversary of The Fire Saber Rangers. Heā€™s from the Kolvax world but lives in a space ship on space. He is a ruthless and cure being who is bent on taking out The Fire Saber Rangers an also controlling the world Several Centuries ago their lies two galaxies very far from earth. The Kolvax Galaxy & the Saber Galaxy. The Kolvax Galaxy is a powerful world where only the wicked lives. Because of how powerful Kolvax galaxy is, they tried to take control of every planets starting with THE SABER GALAXY Butā€¦ One of the features of THE SABER GALAXY is that theyā€™re known for supernatural powers. With the Help of OLD ZUES the Leader of the Saber Galaxy, LORD NUGADOG the leader of the Kolvax galaxy was stopped from achieving his grievous plan. Lord Nugadog diverted his invasion plan down to the next world with beings in itā€¦.. A world I like to call EARTHā€¦ Seeing what as befall earth, Old Zeus decided to help earth by choosing special beings that look like humans enhanced with powers. They are known as THE FIRE SABER RANGERS But still they werenā€™t enough to stop LORD NUGADOG. It took all rangers from different universe to defeat LORD NUGADOG. Years after years, More Leaders emerge from The Kolvax world with a common goal which is ā€“ End the Fire Saber Rangers and take control of the world. Emperor Gurazuss who was the 9th Leader of the Kolvax galaxy was destroyed by the 9th Fire saber Red Ranger ā€“ Barry Jones. 18 years later, Jurazuss the son of Emperor Gurazuss acting as the 10th leader of the Kolvax galaxy world whose theme is also to control earth, destroy the rangers and also take control of the world PLACED a threat on the city of Auckland. Freddie Jonesā€™s frequent dream brought some hidden about who his father really was. Not only that but made also his siblings and three other friends become what they never thought of BECOMING. But with the help of Kim popularly known as Mrs. J, Their gears and abilities, The New Fire Saber Rangers attempts to stop Lord Jurazuss, dark vage, Max Luther and their troys from taking over the worldā€¦

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