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Chapter 8 An end to addiction

Word Count: 1076    |    Released on: 16/05/2022


's picture towards the wait

he waiter study the picture with a f

made him flinch, "I know that. I ju

ble, "On the night she died, I remember sh

at male friend if you s

all the time, never saw him. They ate happily an

hands and faced him, "Any ch

ance. The dude she came with just

ther the male friend killed her or he knew who did. Or mayb

ing at Matthew standing with a cleaner, she raised he

smile at the w

. He covered the screen and got up. Unknown to him, the sight had hit Janet's eyes.


* *

om all to herself; that is, if there was something to do with it. Why did he have to leave it so dark, dra

here, and some fresh air.

actually not alone. There was someone seated on the chair against the

of hennesy, "You're

ould tolerate someone barging into their room and disrupting their peace and q

out the window and found you letting Ale

er eyes,"Yeah. An

face as he got up angri

d, "I saw him make you cry Danielle, his killer ha

actually trying to protect her, "But don

k at me Danielle, do I look like so

Andrew turned away, opened his wardrob

e, for you. Went to this mall today and fou

she had ever seen. Those pearls and diamonds were too beaut

"Well I wasn't asking, was I? You do what

But the diamonds, the

owned, "I

e,he took the jewelry a

bottle on his palm. Daniella sighted a rainbow of p

d with Andrew. She knew no matter how close she could get wit

s that were literally killing him, things that made him hear

blurted out, covering her mout

ed in disbe

bravery to speak, "The pills, the

g eyes, "I'm surprised you could say that fearlessly.

e great Andrew Stephen is motivated

Daniella try to understand. Do not u

would, "

, "Dani. Danielle. I..." He gave her a plea

ll try... I think. But at this time

hat is up to y

ts. Sincerity was in his

, the first innocen

ed a pile of drugs and b

motions bubbled through him, "Daniella, " when she looked at him, he c

"I'll try not

st as they came for Ashley, Eleanor and Jennifer, any com

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