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Chapter 2 Nut cracker

Word Count: 1449    |    Released on: 16/05/2022


y somewhere in her mid fi

ewest residents, she stepped in for

u two before n

d and replie

"And you luckily got some interest

while he sipped his drink

oles and placed them before

m smile, "How sweet,

ded approvingly, "What a nice place you got for yourse

the sight of the painting with the

, died three years ago. She lived in th

smiling girl clutched at her chest sho

who. The police could not find him or any traces of evidenc

gus, I saw this same picture at the Stephen's h

ephen, that is, before he became the addict he is now, just after she died.

something almost like jealousy, great

her head, "What is her father do

a cop when they still lived

, "No reason," I was th

e caller who wanted Andrew killed for a girl's death. Could it possibly be that this girl was Eleanor? But


ed it away. Worried sick about his dying mother, he found nothing appetizing enough. Too bad

he was angry when he did it, fair enough to justify it. He still had to hide that little piece of evidence

wife and confused son. All Alex could see was his dad walking

to his father's door and leaned his ear against it

son's heart jumped as he heard his younger sister's name

o say something tha

d you have to prove it. You are well aware of who you stand to lose if you do not do as I say." His f


did not believe he could but she needed to prove it. And she knew she could not do it alone. She needed help, but if she told someone, the


grocery store. It was awkward going alone to the store wit

as not not used to was

one…else "Yes Andrew

then at him, "Carro

e bucks for a kilogram." An

ed talking at the sight of Andrew doing the shopping, "Good morning A

at her, "No way

to say to her, then why did he want to see her? Angus then handed the responsibility to Daniella. He ha

n and smiled at Andrew

een bucks, okay?" Andrew nodded. Daniella admired his blue eyes, obvio

ing to be any difference today in the way he left the store, not dashing out like a maniac. And

you come over, I dunno

t you come over to my place. I

Dani thought. It made her laugh. He had such a perfect smile. How cruel he had been, hiding

he really thinking of turning this guy in to the police to be killed? Th


here were still three people in the store, not shopping, but ha

ed at her watch, "It's closing time g

sorry, seems we are getting

"And what's that

made him listen to you. Tell me because I ha

, "You need bai

d you use to catch him, bro

ut a chair and sa

a handshake, "

hand and nodded, "

Bailey Kowalski, gave a tin

spinach, he also loves painting and people having faith in him.

p, "I'm Bailey. I believe

ovingly, "Oh yes!

you want my friendship or a

ed out, confirm

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