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For Vengeance I Ascend Once More

Chapter 5 The King Recalls His Past

Word Count: 1464    |    Released on: 15/05/2022

begins with a * will be in

arms brought up memories in my mind that killed my hopes. My mind couldn't help but cause

allpaper with a simplistic design of golden butterflies that had glittered wings on its dul

lanket which I drew back as I lay her on the b


s parents left to mourn their loss. I knew that worse things were happening even at this moment across

air before turning off the lig

kitchen, Synth

night sleep d

t. A single bed covered by a cream coloured blanket, the same cement floor with traces of small holes, a

gether. I was a hardboiled warrior who had faced the most tragic of circumstances. Wars, coups, as

ll I had built for so long, my mind bro

World cal

s to gain the favour of the masses did not extend to us. No food or health aid. It almost seemed like we l

her body be ravaged if she could feed her children at home after

production and 'human handling' of all sort

owever, as time went on, they became daily bread. Blatant assassins

. Perhaps it was because my parents were too deep in a society where ethics

pumped with nutrients for half a decade so that I cou

the top five. Strange as it may seem, the occupation wasn't exact

e trained as a male prostitute, which was a lesser profession in the society

fect, the duration of effect per a certain amount and its counter. The business was vast

becoming a hardened member of the cartel

er branch, someone gave away the location and activities

hich was done in quite the stellar fashion as we were co

back, gu

the police got us. They ransacked the factories, captured member

. Truth be told, a sense of camaraderie between people in the c

up teaching me of the 'no strings attached' policy. I rarely saw him during work

ed me, saying that there was a large influx of members from the d

on, which rose after a few years only for the exact


I spent the rest of my life there, wallowing in the same th

ly how was I

ished by the same people w

as u

dangerous as any other experience in the world. You start to create da

essed up and yet you are

ouldn't go

prison along with other men and w

until o

an Ordinal Hunter. One of the

soul was taken by this being and the next thing I knew, I wa

e bega

. Finally, I learnt that existence

is, there were only two clas

e like Earth where I was born. While

d Essence, which was used by the inhabitan

not waste it. I rose from the bottom

ing to entertain betrayals. So I built the harshest system to weed

as but an impossibility in my mind, and I

chapter in my life where a fa

door shook me f

masculine voice reached my

s," I r

oloured eyes walked in. He had sunken cheeks and almost sagging dark bags und

ather. Bene

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