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The Bad Boy I Wanted

Chapter 3 Episode 3

Word Count: 1910    |    Released on: 26/04/2022




given up on the idea, and even Ashley stopped urging me to call them again. But then a

efore it could connect, laughing at myself and ridiculing the idea. Yet, every time I remembered why I would even consider doing it, I thought it was a good p

gh half a dozen rings, expecting to hear a voice of

slight European accent to the woman’s voice

lied, realizing I ha

in our event on Sunday? There is still a sp

eah. Yes, I think I am interested.” I felt

taking care of Dylan and working more than full time, I co

me, parameters, and, if possible, send a link to your s

nde, an ex-gymnast with curves in all the right pla

our application and contact you with further detai

kay. T

one went off on that Saturday evening and I recognized the number, my heart started beating ten times faster. I didn’t k

t get your hopes up, maybe the

ough, I swiped the

ley Marcus ?


ted your application and would like to invite yo

insane things. Of what I would tell my brother, and that I had work early

,” I uttered, to

rtably. You will be on the list

as left staring at the phone, wondering if this convers


should I wear? Ava said to dress comfortably, but surely if there would be millionaires at this “Single Hearts” event, then I wo


settling on a nice black dress and a small handbag of a recognizable brand, which I had bought

re about it

ess? To

e… thing,” I s

money? If the answer is yes, the

or any number of t

ould rather do to make some c

nt t

’s not like I had any plans for the weekend, anyway. We had a light late lunch

f something doesn’t feel right, you just text me and I’l


I’m se

checked my nails and my dress once again, ch

t know for sure. I assumed most of those guys were crazy secretive anyway. The front of the club looked more like a bar, stylized to look like a pub t

I put one foot in front of the other and

oo small to be a bouncer, but he looked l

ered my voice: “the

g. It is. Are you here f

arcus, they said

rolled for a moment, then s

hrough first. It was a peculiar feeling, and I thought this must be what Ashley had felt the fir

turn right. You’ll see som


ged. It was smoother somehow, and the smells were sweet and delicate. It wasn’t perfume, but rather the smell o

e like a musical set. There was a wide stage at the far wall, where a DJ was doing his thing be

couples dancing on the dance floor in the middle. And it was obviously a rich crowd, too. There were mostly guys around, dressed i

around, looking for a place to sit down or stand away from everyone else. The bar was too crowded, but to my left there was a nice sitti

tall woman in a red pantsuit an

ed to j

home tonight, yes? You will be receiving twenty percent of the final

The final bid is the amount of money your dates pay at

t began racing. What t

this is perfectly legal. Just a fun

strong urge to

b and get a breath of fresh

ylan. Thin

a’s instructions. There was still

club in twos and threes, and I was left alone at a tabl

wkward silence, the girl


be my fi

exactly?” I asked, turning

whoever pays the most, promises you the


student loans in three months, and had some m

n’t want to hang out with her. Most of them were a good ten years younger, fresh out of high school and already looking for adventure – sex and parties

s for me.

“I need to get a drink before this whole thi

tle liquid courage w

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