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The Bad Boy I Wanted

The Bad Boy I Wanted


Chapter 1 Episode 1

Word Count: 1575    |    Released on: 26/04/2022



r wasn’t there either, so I snatched the nicer spot under a tree, which would prov

working at a supermarket, even though it wasn’t exactly my passion. I was a teacher during the school year, but now that it was sum

for a while, then worked the bar, and after a few more promotions she became a PR manager for a company that owned clubs and restaurants all over Chicago. It

rk clothes and changed into PJs, washing my face in the small bathroom next to my room. It wasn’t a hu

began ringing. I had to turn around and go back into

on the other end said.

, I just got hom

esitant. Classic Dylan. “I was just in

ide the fridge and seeing a lot of ing

t a cold bottle of wine and

icking through the Television Shows category on my TV. After a few minutes, I settl

into the match (and a glass of wi

greet him, landing a big hug and grabb

inutes, Riley?” he asked,

twenty. Second of all, you look

” he said with

ad to s

e. He was even paler, if that was even possible, and leaner, h

him, a look or embarrassment I knew all too well. I didn’t say anything at first, sim

?” he asked, me

nly half a g

treatments began, he would have had no problem downing the whole bottle on hi


ue next


d then there was yet another bill to pay. I could only guess how much longer we could keep it up. It was one of those times I really wished our mot

gh his college savings over the past year, and I had been worki

sweet on my lips. Emily and Ethan in the

lan, don’t wo

he replied, looki

You don’t have anything to be sorry a

s eat

nothing in particular, just having a f

elaxed on the couch. He had become withdrawn lately, and I couldn’t blam

okay?” I said, m

t out, and you’

if saying Do you r

dded, thinking that perhaps it w

ay, I’d

orite show which was on after the foo

u want to stay here tonight?

much, anyway. Thanks for letting me invite myself

ust let me know if you need any

ne was in his hand, and I saw

weekend, okay? And I’ll take care of

lly, looking asi

.” I kissed his cheek

and would have to borrow some from Ashley and

e end of

the TV, poured myself another glass and finis

en, and Ashley stepped in. She walked strai

sted!” She

downstairs! Asked hi

ll you to


Ashley checked out the bottle


e,” I suggested, f

but then I sensed something was amis

tment payment. What the fuck is insurance


lt. I said, “But the money is bad, Ashley. I don’

end asked, reachin

e than you could possibly have i

at my own bank account first, s

uced a bunch of colorful fliers and began sifting t

l mask at the top, with Chicago Buyer’s Club written belo

place, where billionaires look for girls to

sting I prost

ng out, find a guy, have a few drinks. It’s a paid

, I don’t th

Look, you don’t have to, but th

To process. To escape. With that, I left, leaving her alone

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