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Word Count: 1618    |    Released on: 12/04/2022

throwing up the last content of my stomach. After encountering those dead bodies on the road a few minutes ago, it took a whole lot of restraining for me no

to his face for the rest of our uneventful ride, like something about the killings of those people struck something deep within him. When I’d

other packs. Not even Silver Dawn could touch them. Those wild beasts bowed to no one. Legends have it that they drew their magic from a dark entity, something vile and impure like themselves. From birth, every wolf has been taught

at the man was the devil’s incarnate. Although no one had ever set eyes on his face and lived to tell the tale, he was infamously known across the three packs for killing off his enemies i

His hand rubbed deliberate comforting circles at my back and when I was finally done, he had a handkerchief out. Easily

bled, my gaze fall

k at

ntly, hating the edge

e you f

y gut up, what

usly fake smile. “I’v

be a solid wall of ice and incapable of feeling anything beyond irritation. “It’s barely your first day with me and you’re already being introduced to dead bodies. I can’t promise that it gets better fr

I blurted, che

rowed in conf

“I mean, I can’t shift. You know, into a wolf… And I w

against my ribcage and when I finally summoned t

into a hard line. “What do you mean ‘You can’t shift?’ How is that even remotely possible? Every werewolf ca

it’s not obvious enough yet, everything about

p to his usual impenetrable composure. “It’s fine. We’ll figure it out eventually. Perhaps it’s just

ned. “I… You won

do that? Yo


body wants this to work, more than I’m most likely showing it. We belong to each other and at this point, you’re the most precious thing to me.

miliar feeling - something fragile, something welcoming, something that brought me a certain sense of safety. It sparked me up from the inside and resul

out a bear attack. And for the record, I don’t forgive lies

Red,” I muttered, lett

He grounded ou


ole place was astonishing, even beyond the Alpha’s home in the Whitefang pack. From the vast garden that framed the bold architecture, filled with exotic flowers and a grass lawn, it looked like a page

and securely gripping mine was what really had my mouth hit

, overseeing the perfectly polished marble grounds. At the center of the foyer was a spiral staircase that seemed to look like the gateway to hea

them. They must have been preparing for his return cause of the festive decorations hung around. Nonetheless, it didn

and softly, in a way that hinted at encouragement. My ga

e called out excitedly, which drew my atte

in fact, the most stunning lady I’d ever seen. Beside me, Alexander let go of my hand and I caught a ghost of a smile flit acr

to a hug with Alexander, carelessly pushing m

whined into his shoulders and it came as an even bigger shock

or three days, Oph

scend on me like she was noticing my presence for the first time. “What’s this? A new maid? She loo

he mirth. In a warning tone, he spat. “Ophelia, that’s

s the last thing I expected. At that mom

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