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Word Count: 1146    |    Released on: 12/04/2022

dle of the night, however, it was the sound of the door being unlocked that had my attention. M

new he liked me, more than I found healthy or enjoyed. However, he wasn’t different from the rest of them. He has never raised a finger to stop his mother whenever she was having her pleasure from inflicting pain on me.

aming in mischief and that same chilling smirk from ear

Alexander Ashford. Something satirical inside of me laughed to scorn. I was convinced he’d have bolted by now. Afterall, everyone does the second the

ike a thousand needles plunging deeper and deeper and deeper. “Alpha

nd instead, turned to

me cause he switched places to face me once again.

o have my eyes snapping into his brown ones tha

n?” I questioned, not meaning for

es. “I like you, Venus. A lot. You’re so beautiful, especially when you’re bruised up like t

creep wouldn’t let go! “Is this a joke? Let me go, Grayso

a long time now. Do you know how many times I’ve watched you shower?


that scared me. I shot up from my sitting position and against the cries from the muscles, I made a bee line for the d

nything to do with you.” I moved backward caref

ust need to get this out of my system.

Grayson, don’t do this…” My voice broke then as I watched him unbuckle

d I couldn’t help the piercing scream I gave out before he enclosed my mouth with his large palm. I kicked and fo

etter entrance. He dared to grope sexually at my breast and I sobbed even more, violently pushing him. But it yielded n

her never gave birth to me, that way I wouldn’t have to be subjected to this. However, just when Grayson

on was being ripped off my body and slammed to the wall. I slumped to the ground, every breath and fibre of strength escaping me as I watched this man, this silently deadly man called Alexander Ashford, unleash agony on Grayson by punching hi

ground and after yanking up Jason by the strands of hair on his head, he said sternly, “Don’t you ever t

However, my mind couldn’t stop conjuring images of Alpha Alexander relentlessly knocking Grayson out till he bled

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