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One Love Mr Kim

Chapter 5 Our Ending

Word Count: 2214    |    Released on: 29/03/2022

tects. They both enjoy the exhibition together and after they feel tired, the two decide to go

t to go to the restroom " Ji Hyo said Th

rned to her desk to meet Jong Kook who was waiting for her. But somehow, when she retur

Ji Hyo asked curiously when she saw the di

o now? I have other business, " Jong K

..."Ji Hyo repl

like that toward her. The man didn't seem to care about her confusion an

ion from her phone on the table. She looked at the screen of

seyo..."Ji Hyo a

Hyo from Seoul University's art departm

.. that's right.

m you of your test results . Congratulations, you have passed the entrance exam for the

ank you), jeongmal gamsahamnida..." said Ji Hyo feels very

lt very happy for her and congratulated her by giving a warm hug. After Ji Hyo told her family, she entered her room feeling

u? Now, my dream is about to begin!"Ji Hyo muttered excitedly

y. Her mind comes back to remembering the last time th

hing wrong? I think everything's fine to

paths on campus even though they are in different departments. They also often met in

ly a little shy toward any girl and doesn't get along easily with them but with Ji Hyo, he feels comf

tarts a conversation with them first if they don't ask him to talk

Jong Kook always shows his concern for Ji Hyo and takes good care of her, but somehow he

or another alternative because she couldn't contact Jong Kook. She planned to te

ng Kook sitting alone in a campus hallway

hing the burly man. Jong Kook, who had previously seemed busy with himself, sudd

aid flatly to Ji Hyo. The girl was frozen in her posi

nly another girl appeared from behind Ji Hyo's back and walked up to Jong Ko

eed my help?"Jong Ko

were talking to someone..."said the girl looking at Ji

another schedule right now " Jong Koo

y..."the girl said excitedly. Jong Kook just smiled then walked side by side with

nd avoid Ji Hyo didn't just happen once. One day , when they

denly tries to follow the conversation between his friends. He didn't actually pay attention to their conversation before, but he suddenly pretended to be interest on his friend's conver

t for today, I just want to saya my last goodbye to him bu

Jong Kook's cold behavior toward her. Suddenly at that moment, Ji Hyo saw Jong Kook from a distan

ou avoiding me?"Ji Hyo as

ll problem" said Jong Kook coldly who kept going making Ji Hyo lag behind him. J

I do something wrong?

ect others by hearing them" Jong Kook said expre

eed to listen to?"Ji Hyo asked confused. Jong K

r from my sight, I won't see you" said

"Ji Hyo shouted which made Jong Kook stop

old so suddenly like this, avoiding me for no reason whatsoever, pretending not to recognize

a few times but you've neve

try to tell me what the problem was? I really can't understand you oppa!"Ji Hyo shouted in f

her expressionlessly in a flat tone. Even though he said that sentence in

ut... I want to understand you... Because... We're friends, right?

lly?"Jong Kook asked w

ntally know each other, we have never been friends, only to the extent of knowing" Jong Kook said so cruelly. Ji Hyo is c

a stranger like we never knew each other? So... that's your reason? Because you see me as a nobody? Just to th

ated me like I meant nothing! You are a bad person who has no feelings at all!!"shouted Ji Hyo feeling very angry and also hurted. Sh

e?" asked Jong Kook held Ji Hyo's hand b

bastard. Napeun namja (bad ma

very well? Do you know how I feel? Why do you judge me as you plea

o alone. The girl simply froze in position with teary eyes. She cleaned her tears

ee Ji Hyo's back that had already appeared far in front of him. He sighed deeply then leaned against the

o her room and locked the door. She put her body on the bed and

el? How can you say that I'm nothing and you just know m

n my heart to what you said? I'm nothing to you? You really are a bad guy! Nappeun namja! Aaahhh!!"Ji Hyo shouted

er to the airport. Before arriving at the airport, Ji Hyo looks at her cell phone, she is consi

w, I'll get on the plane soon. If it's possible for us to continue our good relationship for all this time, can you meet me at the airport before my flight? If

uld visit her for one last time, but she knew, she would never appear in front of him and that was

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