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One Love Mr Kim

Chapter 4 Matchmaking

Word Count: 1922    |    Released on: 29/03/2022

t at the airport?" ask Ji Hyo Who was

hit me on purpose?" the

do it when I see you again here, but my feet won't liste

that the man hit her on purpose for revenge, Ji

f anyone sees your dirty clothes" said the man just before the el

ded to go to the bathroom and clean the americano stains from her clothes. When she f

just arrived, he's looking for

Okay, thanks.."said

tered it after obtaining permission from the boss. But she was immedi

e director's room? Did you follow me?"Ji Hyo shouted w

o funny, why should I follow you

to meet again in this director's room, so is it wrong if I thought that you were

e director's room when he heard a screaming sound from inside, eve

guy... why is he her

r Director, Director Kim Woo Bi

what?" said J

d to his employees and made everyone leave his room exc

w you're new here" Woo Bin said trying to comfort the wo

scare me" Ji Hyo chimed in. Woo Bin only grinned to hear that, this

hat's your name? Kim

.. wae (why)?" ask W

oing to family dinner with me?"Ji Hyo asked incredulously.

g Ji Hyo? The one who made me wait for so

. I think so..."Ji

me to pick you up, I would never have gone there, but

also don't know that the person who picke

en, I wouldn't have dropped your name sign!"

not my fault..."Ji Hyo said flatly then

ng! I can't believe if she's really going to

her a lot so that she could quickly adjust to the new atmosphere in the place. W

g chat and they become closer to each other. When they got outside the building, they

pped right in front of Ji Hyo, the front window of t

to go and attend our family d

s," the woman r

go to the same place" said Woo Bin ope

out much protesting. It's better for the two of them to go togeth

parents have a family dinner like this? We didn't

at she and your mom are old friends since childhood who haven't


rant where their parents were waiting them. Ji Hyo and Woo

er? They even came here together" said Mrs. Kim

y look so good togeth

Hyo and Woo Bin showed their seats, they just followe

rs were complete, they sat to

rtant thing to both of you..."said Mr. Song sta

nge a wedding for both o

Woo Bin together, both were ver

?" ask Ji Hyo couldn't u

time, besides, Woo Bin is a nice guy, I'm sure

ked Woo Bin to pick me up and then asked me to work for a company I had never been to

all outrageous... I'm not ready t

tried to give you two time to get to know each other by organizing this meeting and making you both work in the sa

it was too hasty..." said

t to give some time for you two before holding the engagem

i?"ask Mrs. Song to try to do a sweet talk

the end. His words made the fire in Ji Hyo's hea

an by agree?" asked Ji Hyo i

I agree with it, I accept i

pression is not so good for each other, but why do you take it? What's

ve no reason, I just acce

that they had a good impression before but why was the man in front of her

ked quickly to her room. She really doesn't understand why all of her family can arranged the marriage between her and Woo Bin without asking her

... oenni, it's me, Can I com

tood up and opened the door. Then Ji Eun

?"Ji Eun asked, Ji Hyo

a are doing this for your goodsake, they don't want

... but..."Ji

ept this marriage? Besides, you also don't have a boyfriend aren't you? so what's wron

en for me, besides... I love someone else..."Ji

in your sketchbook? What's his n

?" ask Ji Hyo confused, she believes she never show

y saw him" Ji Eun said

me while I was in America, right? You've always been so naughty Ji Eun-ah!"J

, mianhe... but, who i

at my university before I went to the

ated? Are you still contacting ea

ided love... the last time I ever contacted him was the time when I was going

. Everything is still the same for me " said Ji Hyo looking outside, back at

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