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Miss Clumsy And The Hottie

Chapter 3Ā 3

Word Count: 1590 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 24/03/2022

pened to

cally going up to the huge red mark that had formed on the corner of my forehead as I

watched as she raised a br

. Anyway, you hear

in our grade was invited. Many girls had been talking about what they were going to wear while most of the guys h

t it up, I'd realized that I was free for the night and really

th a pout, "Can't. Paren

with that before. Maybe next ti

in my ears, causing me to look up and groan when I saw that it was Connor and his friend that

s his friend slid into the seat opposite of Connor.

my gaze landed on his friend, "Hey, I didn't catch your n

and I was about to respond when someone cleared their throat, and all

glittering menacingly told me I was in for a long ass speech. S

rrowed into slits as she crossed her arms, "

didn't care," I mocked, a


till shaking in my bo

e was turning a bright shade of red, all while I sat there with a shit-

She looked like she wanted to punch me in the face but at the last moment, she close

up to something. But before I could think more into it, Yasmin spoke up. "Oh my God, that was

pretty awesome. Layla doesn't take shit from anybody." His

long." Connor snapped out of whatever trance h

omething under his breath before he lazily started pla

unexpected but I didn't press it. Af

ter Anderson's party?" Noah asked, eagerly. I c

rk brows shooting upwards

vy hair falling onto his forehead as he did so. "I wasn'

just say I don't have a good relationship with Hunter," he muttered,

requested to meet me. See you, guys." He t

is shoulder before I turned towards Noah, my brow cocked

ll." I sighed, but then nodded, "Alright. Yo

bell rang, indicating the lunch period was over us and stood up, along with the r

ough the crowd, my mind reeling with what the reason for hate was between Hunter and River be

s each strand was out of my comb. I never liked my hair. I thought it always made me stand ou

other had been a beautiful woman of Irish descent, with large, playful green eyes

praised her about her beauty, and I could still remember the times when he would stop by her office with a bouquet of flowers an

tion, when a knock on my door broke me out of my thoughts. I hurri

grabbed my phone, my eyes still stinging from the memory of my mother

n up, his warm brown eyes gazing into my

iny bits of pain he tried so hard to keep hidden from me. But he couldn't always hide it. After al

r, aren't you?" he

rapped me into a fierce hug, his arms holding me agai

cry to hurt my dad even more. He had already dealt with so much heartache. I didn'

ngs weren't like this." I knew what he meant. But I didn't want to create any more problems for him so I inhaled a dee

ight. Now, let's go drop you off



he smells of alcohol, sweat, and puke. It had been an hour since I'

him anywhere so I had just gone to get a few drinks when the ho

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