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Miss Clumsy And The Hottie

Chapter 2Ā 2

Word Count: 1295 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 24/03/2022

my true embarrassment had settled in because suddenly I didn't want to get out of my bed and face what would

ing my forehead with my hand, trying to act as dramatically sick as possible when my dad open

d out, "but I'm n

pause. "You're stil

o buts, young l

my father as I headed towards my ensuite bathroom, "I hope you

t least I know where I get my sarcasm from. Sighing, I quickly used the bathroom and brushed my teeth, hurriedly throwi

down the stairs to where my dad was in the kitchen making waffles. He looked up when he saw me come in and slid

k at me as he grabbed his coffee, "Remember, I'll be home late tonight so don't freak out if I don't get back at

h his finger for a moment before he shook his he

hed my own breakfast and headed to school, my steps faltering whe

but I quickly swallowed my embarrassment and held

d as I ignored the whispers of the students, only continuing to make my

I sighed, cutting st

t," she stated, a smirk twitching at the c

move." She didn't, only widening her smirk even more, "You kno

" A chorus of ' oohs' went through the crowd that had gathered again, and I found myself

he protested, but the way her v

was going to believe her, Layla stomped her foot in a childish manner and shot

mbo when a voice spoke up. Girly, teach me your ways." My gaze snapped to the side where a beautiful girl was leaning ag

d respect, and I knew within a heartbeat that she was th

inally snapping out of my d

ng as she did, "Your ways. You know, to hav

o teach. All you have to do is use your bra

and I have a feeling that we'll be great friends." I gave her a smile

. It's E

headed?" she questioned, and I cocked my head to

y, though, so do you want to walk tog

fore she walked down the hall, disappearing around the corner just

tilted my head up to see an unfamiliar boy rubbing the back of his nec

of me, thank you very much," I muttered, grabbing the book that had fallen out of

u can go from being bold and telling Layla off to

nfamiliar boy's eyebrows rose up in surprise, " This is the girl? Ho

embarrassment, "Didn

ecking my social media. Too many notif

ologized, but I waved it off. "It's all good

onnor replied.

hough." He pouted, his bright blue eyes shimmering with amusement as h

aking a break from

ot him a smile before walking around him, about to enter my classro

oday, Satan. And as I thought that, I smacked str

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