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The Alpha's Hated Mate

Chapter 6 Secret

Word Count: 1702    |    Released on: 18/03/2022

o one will have you not even your mate" He scream runn

was sweating profusely just like my dream. It a dream but it seems too real like it happening liv

open and she ran inside with my dad following her behind.

itting next to me as she cup my face on

as been chased again" I mumbl

you now" my mom said pulling into an embrace as I rest my

hisper under my breath m

re with you" she assured me ca

Don't worry princess everything we fine" he assured me holding my hand a slig

in an empty room I will cry and scream for help but no one will come to resue me at times in the midst of people

my dad said jolting me out of my thought,

e sign of depression and panicked on his face I know my father is passing through some challenges his face is becoming old and

dy okay?" I as

to be good too" she said giving me a l

t to join us for dinner" my mom said standin

to bother myself about this dream maybe it because of the werewolf book I was reading that is why I dreamt about werewolf there i

en and it was Alice

said immediately

m but on a second thought I changed my mind I will not tell her now beside I am angry with her for not keeping her

I replied i

way you are sounding so calm and cool I am sorry for not me

cool like nothing happened or I fire up like an angry dog I am glad my friend knows me so much our 10 years of fr

s you from comi

errands to deliver som

now we see in s

. I put my phone inside my trouser

n't you think it right time we tell her everything" I heard my father

d placed my ear on the door e

ke sure she is fine, telling her the truth will only break her heart" I heard my

an't you see it she doesn't belon

ieve everything will be fine and she won't have to live with those beast" My mom defend again but the tr

he laughed then I heard my father hitting the table with a loud. "These people are strong with a good sense of smell they might trace her and find

belong there and I am going to make sure I keep my promise" My mom yelled and with that

ing about my mom doesn't ha

from me but I can't fathom what it is. Most times my father always comes back home before weekend when he was suppose to close for wo

ng environment but she keep telling me this it because of

ybe it because I am just 17 and I promise myself to confront her and make her tell me all the truth when I marked 18 especially the reason why I

mom voice distract me from my thought as I

y set for dinner. We prayed silently and was about eating when sundelly we heard a loud ban

is time it became louder making everyone to pause. I squeeze my face into a f

r and his face holding a worried expression looking at my dad I know something is

visitor?" My mom

only nods

olding his hand as I noticed him

ween his lips. And immediately I went mute as I and my mom

ge noise make sure you run and escape through the secret trap door at the basem

" I asked in a whisper

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