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The Alpha's Hated Mate

Chapter 3 Meeting The Alpha

Word Count: 2182    |    Released on: 18/03/2022

one like a trash then he should count me out of that list because I won't let him tal

ked his facing turning into a frow

ners" I fired back getting pissed off at his bossy attitude meanwhile most

hey all feared him because his parents are the richest in Springfield Academy so they rule the school with their fame and rich

fist his eyes glaring hard at me in

up to slap me the slap was coming unexpectedly but I was saved by my be

ront and the slap landed on her face making her to staggered back a little

he side and he move closer to me like an angry lion making me to take a step backwar

the slap so everything can die off I wouldn't want Alice receiving another

eaded going on her knees for the bastard. Immediately he hang his hand on the air as he stare at Alice who wa

e because of fear he chuckled for awhile turning back to Alice "I will let your friend

h his mind or what he is planning but I

ce said still kneeling below him while I just remain qu

lick my feet using your hair to clean it dry" he command

student as they were anticipating to see what

d immediately his face turn dark and furrious. How can she lick his fee

ng to f*ck you up" he declare pointing a

eard Alice said in a rush moving clos

I will report him to the head office" I yelled I knew Andy derive

ely all the students change their face into a disgusting look as she lick his feet while I remain still tears already gathered on my eyes this gu

her dark long hair to start cleaning his feet

and whisper in my ear "Next time you won't cross paths with the wolf" he whisper close to my ear h

crying my heart out I feel really bad for putting her in to such mess. I hold her on her shoulder

as I lead her to an empty

rassemet and pain" I apologized feeling rea

r fault" she smiled at me

lt to I would have let him go instea

eve he could go to that extent of asking me to lick his fee

oys always get worst each day" I said using m

th and now he humiliate me in front of everyone to show how happy he is for ending the relationship

friend in the most stupid way and now humiliating her he won't go

l meet someone better" I assured her. "Take this" I said bring

was shocked at what I saw. Oh my God how did this happen someone just send the video o

me* I read the headline of the message and I felt tears gathering at t

should be Sophia Andy's current girlfriend s

g I am not going to let Alice see this i

down making her to stop crying and convincing to forget about Andy. Long story cut short rest of our day i

was staring at us others were pointing at us each having something to say about us as we move among the crowd. Thi

ingers pointing at us immediately we entered the car he drive off as I heaved a deep sigh of relief today's s


shape. His mate wasn't ugly after all but she is not the he is looking for in his mate. He needs a female who will be very strong to lead his pack with hi

f person he was expecting to be his mate, a human after waiting for this long only for him to be mated to the species he has so much hatred for the people that caused all the problems his pack are passing through the same people that caused the death of his mother. He was only here

Andy after changing into his identity. He opened the and

u" he said to Andy who was trembli

rush past him but he was fast to grab

groan tye word human

o your position" he said turning his head towards where he had tied him e

y to pass through another punishment and his hold on h

even go close to her I am watching you" he said pointing a finge

tie him down was a

wn wolf.he howled in a loud voice as he run with a fast speed back to his pack

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