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Love is Colder than Death

Chapter 10 Excruciation in the Fairy Prison

Word Count: 847    |    Released on: 03/03/2022

arded as one of the Six Lands. The legend had it that ancestors of Celestial people were

, who could burn sky and earth into ashes. While the blo

dreds of years and have Phoenix this only daughter. So Phoenix wa

n that Jun Mohan couldn’t a

r a period of time and Sno


of blood perm

d the whole Fairy prison, which stung visitor

s soaked to red by her blood. Tears on her face had already dried up. She moved her lips, thinking, “Jun M

ood was streaming down into the basins on t

nning beautiful as if she was wearing a red gown, her raven dark hair now turned

coldly that she couldn’t believe her eyes that this woma

her Phoenix Hall and found the “irrefutable evid

sent to the Fairy prison for her opening the gate of Asmodian

cstasy when she though

by her people, she was truly surprised for Phoenix’s hair all turned

as exactly what she wanted. Phoenix lost her abili

a piece of drag-down violet gown, looked graceful and g

, “Snow, how dare you treat me like this! Where is

ierce, “Look at you. Are you sure you wanna him see you this way? Oh, no...

etly! Ziyan Emperor only ordered to prison me here temporarily. He would conduct further investiga

tasy! I’m not going to let you leave this place alive

hissed, her voice was as


my way, ruined my life, you wouldn’t have suffered like this. You’re just not satis

s, topped it with phoen

y recovered from all the wounds that her skin now w

blood is a good thing... milky and pure... You tell me, except the blood, w

word. Let it be... She’s completely wrong. She had love


ther in the Fairy prison. Snow raised the

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