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Love is Colder than Death

Chapter 7 You Don’t Deserve it!

Word Count: 763    |    Released on: 03/03/2022

ting on bed. Although Jun Mohan never showed up, he had his help to send her necessary

not feeling very well these days and her head was alwa

uldn’t help gasping astoundedly. Phoenix looked at her d

ness... Yo

s the

hand, and saw some

... is m

please stop persisting, let’s go back to

sighed slightly, “Just some gray hair. Th

of the vital price of

that others couldn’t see them without his permission.

ned to destroy her primordial spirit if Jun Mohan didn’t come here to meet her. She also told t

n came i

g a thin navy gown, quivering in this night wind. She

another. Her rosy cheeks told the truth that she was a litt

ering. Sit and rest alone in the balcony to enjoy t

ds held behind his back, seeing her from a di

ust leave if she’s miss

e back to her Celestial Land as what

d mood toward this girl who had been

autiful song echoed, wh

in great astonishment. How could it

usive for him

which was played so lively and emoti

shed to the bridge, pulled the song player up and


ngry face in front of her, she tried to

re did you lea

dentity. She was not sure why Jun Mohan was this anxious so

e face, and held her less tightly,

is, Phoenix though she’d be

ust happened to have heard of it somewhere.

had overreacted that she might have got to

ver play the

lurted ou

asonable that she was even

to stagnate a

ance was brought toward him. He f

erve it.” He m

directly out of his mouth, Phoenix d

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