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Crazy Wife

Chapter 5 Violet is having a party

Word Count: 1152    |    Released on: 26/02/2022


Jennifer hi

rrow. Why did he have to round

re done now" I replied with a

th her boyfriend. I was thinking I would be home tomor

ou can come stay at


inted out. Why did she hav

sponded. That was who Violet was

"Stop calli

. I talk to her like

from the outside everyone is unaware of the big rift between Vio

opened up to her. She was my best frie


It's between Viol


ot happily married. She's so frustrated in fact

r says pitifully. Yeah I know it's very hard for Violet to accept what her parents did to her. B

devil that is not married..resist temptation!" my father blurted walking out. He sounded like he hated Jenifer, but he really didn't. He just didn't want me wi

ed her brow. Surprise

said and held her hands. It looks li

changed her mind and we both went to the parking

?"Jennifer asked when

ected her. Violet wouldn

e Violet loves music a lot. I mean

o..the little girl is hav

as I drove into the garage. Violet was the only one who wouldn't wait


n my garage making out. What the? Where did they come from? I looked back at Jennifer and my instin

er tee

ll of teens doing dirty stuff. My mouth was left agape. I walk inside gently

on't blame her" sh

whispered and shouted back, t

t way..don't scold her p

ld have l

guys don

!" I heard a boy say and all of them tur

y said and they all laughed. I rolled

a party behind your back..of course that's because you can't do

s just pure coincidence. What was she even doing upstairs, she was the host and she was to ascertain things went well down her

ppet of yours to go to his room ti

hed to the boy. "Shut up Blake, y

d of him..what did y

what did you tell us e

ou ruulle the h

up B

all of us that you aren't scar

I..I..i am not scared of him..and like I

at? Is that what she use

r puppet?" One ask

ppet." She responde

little girl In front of me who was trying

right on his face if you aren't scared.."

.is she? She's coming for

shame. Violet really did that? I opened my eyes slowly and stared at he

ver reacting. Wait overreacting? What Violet rid was enough for anyone to.I sigh and walk out a

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