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Crazy Wife

Crazy Wife

Author: Hedi_mahlo

Chapter 1 Embarrassed x3

Word Count: 1989    |    Released on: 25/02/2022

ter as Bob entertained us

some of us laugh.I opened my locker and took my biology textbook, we

est tomorrow" I said to my friends

ll don't understand Biology" Ella

and dragged her pig

mmediately recognized the voice. I turned to him with a disgusting l

ready?" h

centration for you to read tonight?

n? I still don't understan

wanted to talk bu

ds who waved a goodbye in unison to me. One could tell they only wanted me to

dy?" he ask

want!". It definitely got a

ammered trying t

eply. I felt irritated, the fact that he has to come to my school everyday annoys me. I came to a stop where a convertible car was parked, I was not surprised at the glares I had tod

rned to the other end of the car, and pushed the key in. I opened my side of the do

ed as silence d

today?" He asked

-to-talk!" I said s

he song in the car to the highest that I couldn't hear anything he w

Don't be too surprised, it was not my decision n

ng by our

ween Barry and I. He is a successful 27year old a

t matc

to open the garage door and I hopped out instantly. I moved to the

e from school every

to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took some lemonade and gulped it down

ke this, married at this stage...to an uncle? I scratched my

y wa

room. I stood up and left the kitchen with a frow

ecking the caller ID. Not that I expect

doing, Violet

um, everything is

someone I would dare say that to. "Why didn't you call my phone inst

moved towards where I had thrown my bag the

was off" I mur

od care of him" My mother happily said and

he?" Well h

re doing well in your marriage.

smiled. Then my eyes met with Barry and I gave hi

d honouring him" my mum

r and locked my eyes with Barry,

ne to Barry"

he kitchen

there instead" she shouted and I reg

don't you get. He's only there to assist me" I lied again and Barry s

im the phone"

ike I was calling him from a distance.

g. Maybe he was smart enough to catch th

u" I handed the phone to

. He's just fond of calling my

ently in an annoying way. "Alright ,okay, bye" He ended the call and took a look at me, then dropped his phone on the cent

de me remember how he said "you're r


erically that it annoyed every single cell in him. I was used to it already

," I said, still lau

?" he asked. I closed my book with force a

to the kitchen hun?" I

" he a

while. Sure! He should be. He had to gulp in what I sa

he said, heading towards the kitchen. Gos

rd me rig

ook on my head countless times. I'm fed up with this


ted from the phone, pierc

oice low," I

re? I can't hear yo

oice low!" I said,

?" she said and g

her, the muffling sound

wanted to call you and a

ould always walk with my friends home. But now? With

'm home" I

he asked. I hate when they call him uncl

outed in my lungs angrily and I heard

with you" I g

immediately. I knew she was with my other friends and they were talking

ng is ju

t the food Barry prepared for me and I've been so stupid not to make my own dinner, cause I wa

hurts s

pers and walked to the kitchen holding my grumpy tummy. I switched on the kitchen lights and moved to the fridg

off it. I must

ed me but I refused to fall for it. He might not even be a good cook. I stood and stared a

one wa

,then another

ll never eat

nd myself reverse back to open the pot.

gain. Barry was a good cook, it seemed like it. I suddenly started

murmured to myself

it into the pot, brought out the s


n my comment. I took another and into my mouth it entered without any

ty h

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