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Entangled Romance

Chapter 3 Interview

Word Count: 1163    |    Released on: 20/02/2022

revious day. As soon as she walked into the building, all her workers rushed to their

As she got closer, she saw some women sitting comfortably on a sofa kept for visitors.

ecretary walked into her office

ced her bag comfortably on her bag rack. She turned her

ked, her fingers locked together as

hese files to you and to inform you that the ladies for

ice?" Cassandra asked and Jasmine nodd

nes that came here to appl

o minutes past 9 am. There is still time for her to have to herself until the interview commences by 10 am but Cassandra doesn't have

ey already?" She

am," Jasmi

them to come in one after the other, the interview will kick off now" Cass

ow Ma?" Jasmine aske

er with a displeased look, "What is that questio

face, "I am very sorry about that Ma. I will let them in ju

't allow any more candidates for the interview, the seven w

ne replied and got

ent, non of them matched the qualities she is searching for, it was like the more she interviewed them, the more dumb they look to her. Most of them could hardly speak boldly to her and the rest who were able to

mid, she had braces on her teeth and a pair of glasses. Her timidness alone

email if we need you" She said bluntly to the red head who quickl

thought going through her mind. She just can't understand what just happened, no way! She can't believe this,

, she rang Jasmine who quic

e Ma'am," Jas

d you that I need a PA, and not just any PA but a good and smart one just like my previous ones bu

feeling very sorry, "I am very sorry about that Ma'am

do?" She inquired and continued with her words,"I don't have time to carry on another interview tomorrow

ss, "One more candidate came when the inte

of hope, "Around what time di

er boss,"By 9:30 am

n't this candidate's fault that she is late. The program wa

te any time on another person, do you think this lady is quali

'am but a young man" she said to the shock of

he is here for the job. I told him that this job is meant for females only but he insisted that it wasn't emphasized and when I looked, he was right. I told him that he is late and you have gotten the a

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