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Entangled Romance

Chapter 2 Last Agenda

Word Count: 1177    |    Released on: 20/02/2022

face because she is five minutes late for the meeting. As soon as she got out of the elevator, her wor

evator quickly took her straight to her destination. Cassandra quickly got out of it, adju

ked into the room, got to her seat, her face fixed

dra was not happy that she was late, this is something that has never happ

ess, '' she started with a s

soon, they all came to a conclusi

t you should think about my suggestion on getting a PA, it will relieve you of so mu

bdra sat on her chair, her head bowed down and her

and saw her Secretary, Jasmine, a tall brunette with

runette walked in with full consciousness because she d

new contract has arrived Ma" her voice calm but business-like

gh the first page and handed it to her. "Place them in my office, I will be there

eplied and began to h

r, she turned to her secretary who looked back hoping

rrow by 10 pm prompt. Any candidate who comes a minute past ten should not be allowed in '' Cassa

l get to it" Jasmine

out and not wanting to be called again, Jasmine

walked out of the room heading to her office. The rest of

her and poured its contents into a nearby glass cup. With sharp eyes fixed on the large Tv set, Cassandra sipped her wine slowly with the hope of getting her perfect PA tomorrow, a PA she can rely on.

ced at her hand bag next to her, dipped her hand into it a

wishes there was a way she could ignore it but she just can't, it

waited patiently for a

d, "it took you a while to pick up my call, are you trying

ain Mum, why on earth will I avoid you when I know that you are the o

elf and I know that you are avoiding me. That's a fact baby gir

t when she realizes that she also has some of her mother character, she just laughs over it. "Don't call me a bab

are no longer a child so I wonder what's stopping you from getting married and gi

ried at the appropriate time it fits me but right now, the hell with

ady out there. You are beautiful and successful, men love women like you and right now, all I want is to see my grandchil

"I will talk to you later mum, I got to go" she said and

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