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The Alpha's Beautiful Thorn

Chapter 2 Fated

Word Count: 1238    |    Released on: 17/02/2022

epy," Am

. I nipped at him, and he pretended to get his hand stuc

her had the choice of seeking refuge with humans, or risk treading onto another p

Laila, sp

o find she

s and take revenge. Albeit my pack was the worst, I still had a sense of identity there. Maybe that's why it wa

each them by the next day. And now that vampires had all but destroyed the pack, I didn't think t

the forest, traveling north as much as I could gather. We left so quickly that I didn't consider where we

narling, I whirled around. My brother grabbed

nout with a massi


to make his mark. The sparks flew between us and I wanted to drown in his closeness. But he must have smell

he shifted into

hoarse alpha command, st

not, what if he was just like my father? What if he threw me away when he found someone ap

t to him, but he already passed me my c

s this?" My

e. I knew I was beautiful, according to people around me. But the way his gaze ravished me like I wa


k. With my younger brother there, it would be weird to

er already. Closing his eyes in restraint he sa

and my eyes slid to his firm ass

orts I grabbed when leaving, while Amos stood next t

s hand as we walke

, little one?" He

I-G-H-T." My brother was so happy t

e an A in our names. And your

ve an A, Archer. I th

was call

rst and then I spoke up, "No

id with husky undertones

mes I said, "I'm Violet T

of your pack ter

her's hand when h

.." He

os had been very brav

es, so Archer said, "we can talk more privately

faster to run but I will not allow my men to see

er hand, rubbing circles into my palm. I saw more c

bably about to rip my head off. Archer resolved the problem,

nd this is her brother." Archer

ed in su

lpha and Luna

e area with pack houses, making su

e. He stood with the two warriors briefly, communicating through the m

He showed us a tour of his home. There was a spacious kitchen, living room,

of a mansion

or a bath and put him

kened, gazing at me once more. His eyes flic

e. His mate will bring us some spare clothes. My beta's mate is arou

d hurried with my br

him in. His eyes closed, and I ki

eyes burned with desire, and my eyes reflected the same. I had

into his arms, carrying me to the bat

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