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The Alpha's Beautiful Thorn

The Alpha's Beautiful Thorn


Chapter 1 Attacked

Word Count: 1083    |    Released on: 17/02/2022

orn was a monster i

age of nine. It was another night where th

y father and

ng into her wolf with a grieving howl. I realized then, that my mother and father had not b

hey did have their fair share of fighting and arguments, but I always thought that wa

announce that his mistress was pregnant. He

having a br

s from his grasp. The almighty Alpha Thorn sta

im in the eye

She doesn't deserve this! Aren't y

erstand, little V

ach other forever! Mates are supposed t

ugh!" My fa

spect the future mother of

mother of your child, I'll listen to

nding across my cheek. He confi

nging cheek, tear

o you?" I asked,

and my mother before this. Before

de. He left my room and from that day our relationship shattered, like

gave birth to my half-br

y father's lover came out. My father's mistress was a vampire, and

t alone a vampire. Vampires were our enemies, and yet some kind of sick truce had formed between the Thorn pack and the v

aw and spew nonsense at anyone who tried to talk to her. When my fath

ept her at arm's length. You forced her to watch as you fucked and kn

from hurting my father and he punished me with lashes. It took me a long time t

nous thoughts and how I myself could save my mother and be free from this pack. It would be near to impossible. Once

ime. The first time he cried, my heart thumped so loud, and I tried to console him. The only reminder that stabbed me every time was that my brother's eyes were slightly

im like he was a prince and yet did not care for him like a real mother. She only doted

rother Amos was eight, vampires came on

as c

e. My intention was to leave with him in the secret tunnel leading out o

vampire, with lightning speed, came towards us. Just as he was about to reach us, I heard a whisper b


s and sacrificed her life to save me and my brother, I did not know. But she fought so bravely even though the years of malnourishment and mistreatment s

and fight for my mother. I had to do what she said.

ve. I had t

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