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Word Count: 1428    |    Released on: 16/02/2022



o disgrace me or what? Look at her acting so holy and innocent like she doesn't know what I'm talking of. I curse the da

would be so disappointed. I can't imagine the shock and pain on her face when I break the news to her. If they're using this to extract money from me, I don't care,

it seemed two people were in a grea

clearly, I'm not

h thing." Her mum

stop me? This is my

k? He isn't a cr

is a criminal, tha

ding us in four days ti

s I wonder if you'r

u?" She said

've been blinded by money, don't wor

they trying to look good? Well I've known them already and I don't care, I can't wait for the wedding to be over, she'd get it hot from me. Since she's using the accident to blackmail me

he caller was none

s it

ally crazy, you won't believe s

ing and laughing at

n't marry a guy that doesn't love and value

e she wants her to marry me, while she's declining. Its so funny, guy y

t if they weren't acting and it was rea

think it's real. Well she

uess this discussio

if I find her

you're making my day, you

t care, you see this m

s might want to speak with you."

s get an


tepped out of the room with a f

for wastin


she's really pissed at you. I t

sked, I don't know


I asked as her


y that okay, it was all a joke,

, I don't wan

said sounding apologetic.

said go away, are you fucking deaf."

'd come around tomorrow for t

g, I get it, I get it now, they're nic

you se

orrow so they we would go for our p

said nonchalantly to my driver, w


ase stop it. I don't like what you're doing. Don't worry, Mothe

m, a mother can't carry such atrocit

r how you beat up that lady for your mum's sake, the Audrey I know can die

for eternity, I guess that's what they preach in churches right? But you see marriage, it's life, and divorce

not be actually love at first sight,

tell me that I should g

ould bring peac

ll what I said you still got the mind to tell me to mar

azy?" She said staring at me w

ne." I know I've hurt her but

me for a while, when sh

friend for crying out loud. I know what you want and when I tell you

r big day. You need to look stunning Mr Egocentric won't take his eyes of you and them you'd

or calling you crazy and fake,

t to be your mum, she said while I st

im now and tell h

t. It will seem I'm cheap an

t do you

y tomorrow hoping I w

inform him that you are ready for the photo s

think I'd be able t

ong girl. You can do it, in case he troubles

nd, listen to your self." I says while

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