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Word Count: 1460    |    Released on: 16/02/2022



I? I wondered as I struggled to sit up, but found

s my mind wandered. I tried remembering what transpired before I ended up h

are they doing here? Yes, I remembered running from the hotel. Gosh, it wasn't easy, before I could get to the gate, the security were already alerted. I

tted a tall grass, I immediately went in and laid low. I watched as the patro

t grass for 20 minutes, in ca

n't walk into our territory and leave freely, you need to give something in exchange of our hospitality". I lo

Jeez, and I'm not with money here. What am I going to do?

don't have

smart with us, caus

said as I grad

ay that the police were

get it hot from us. You'd have a hot night." This was my chance,

running, a part of me was expecting a huge man to burst out from the bushes and grab me, but that wasn't happening, I ran and was glad when I

y a car. As soon as I got out of th

this is a

but my voice cam

drey! Mum

ile I followed. Gosh, I felt so sa

d hugging me, while I turned to meet


said hug

a word. I u

ut wait! What're they doing here. Are they police officers? No, they don

while the other wore a frown. He doesn

g who they're right?"

's Mr Fred

till not getting

y that hit you.

stared at the other for a while, jeez he looks so spoilt. I dislike him. Have we

s cute frien

isn't like his

said wit

eat pain. Don't mind t

aid with a

charged? You know how mu

, dea

't with her crutch anymore. Rather

ong have I

d some day

s your leg? I can se

now flows in it

iness with us? Hasn't he paid the hospital bill? Why is he helping us. Or Is he tr

est. We will l

asked for my address before I went to see the head Chef, and she really di


ben, I screamed in joy as we hugged the other. I've really missed him. I can't remember the last time I saw him. Mum didn

s you


r than the old one. In fact you

.. I don't

is gonna explain everything to you when you


nt as he walked roun

th them. I regret ever accepting to go to the club with you." He looked so funny saying that,

answer to prayer, who knows i

, your secret is blown. Y

Weren't you the one that told me to find a lady for you? You found one yourself and you're

s, her statement was make her your wife. By the way what sort of mother wo

have told her that you already have a wife. But your detest for Clara made you

at him suppressing my laughter. His face is a total mess.

ke, unknown to the bride. It would be like that till Cla

es when I said those words and I

you're the best." He sa

nda rel

r?" He a

said as I ran to my ro

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