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Spy Association

Chapter 7 A Demon Loved an Angel

Word Count: 1027    |    Released on: 04/02/2022

A Demon Lo

ss. Go to the guidance office after your class. I need

eye view, man’s eye view and worm’s eye view. We are first given simple objects like

he father.”, she added. I laughed hilariously. This beautiful lady could crack a joke. “Enough of the fun.”, she said. “Do you promise?”, she asked whi

hat he is a killer. “Are you not mistaken?”, asking Marief

Ages back there was a demon named Miguel, the destroyer. He came to destroy, kill and steal. He lies, living a sinful life. He acquires some manners. He learns to live among us. At first, he turned into a snake.

birth. After death, his body again becomes a snake, then to a baby. He has killed a lot and it was estimated than he is the age of Luke. What a gruesome life

l. Many dared to court her. She caught the attention of Miguel. Miguel felt something. This was the first time he fell in love. Is th

e hate, pain, rejection and a lot more. She wants to experience those also. She wants to feel like to bleed, to cry, to laugh till her hearts are out and experience daily l

uitors and given the right time and chance, he kills them. One by one, from a hundred, down to ten is the number of suitors le

ck, one time he gave a diamond ring. The lady did not accept any gifts except for food. She ate a lot but never gets fat. She is really a catch. The food should be prepare

ceeding that of the dogs. Sleep like the dogs as the saying goes. She could smell the poison meters away. When the pie was given, she purposely accidentally dropped it. “I am aware of your intention.”, the angel said. The sample of the pie was tested and

fted into a cook and prepared the meal. The real cook was interrogated. He said that someone gave him a drink and he was asleep for hours. Who is the one who gave the drink. He said that she was the prettiest person he has ever seen. “Is that your mo

angel.”, Ma

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