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Spy Association

Chapter 3 I'm Dying

Word Count: 1058    |    Released on: 04/02/2022

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d at the grandstand. Those who did not have the required haircut were told to go look for

prepare for these.” “Sure.” My mom gave me the money to buy for the other things. She even accompanied me to th

stration forms where our class schedules and other pertinent details are stated. We brought our lunch. We wore the proper attire for ou

20 short and long poems and also responses to questions. The title of the poems were Desiderata, Don’t Quit, What time i

The corps has a motto, “Only

ht, only one of you will survive. Our graduation will be based on attendance,

e during the one month training. The required time to pass it is 6 minutes. The standing record is 3 minutes. Then, ther

. Some were not able to keep up. I am one of those. My heart is pumping fast. It is only fifth round around the field. “Can you still keep up?”, aske

ps. I was terrible. “Where am I?”, I asked. “So, you are awake. Do you remember what happened?”, asked the nurs

he juice of a fruit from a mystical tree Omoron. Then, the nurse disappeared. I told my mom about the

Solis.”, she replied. “You only manage to get 6 laps, that was the worst record. Could you finish the entire training?”, she messaged. “I was not that well that time but this time it would be different.”, I responded.

morning sir!”, we replied. “Who told you to sound off?”, he said. “Sir, permission to sound off sir!” “No!”, he said. Then, we are silent. “Bakit di kayo persistent?”, he said. “Sir, permiss

g. My feet seem lightweight. The potion gave miracles. I am not dying anymore. I can run faster and longer

e to the hospital immediately.”, my mother Marina said. I was in tears. I need to get hold on myself. I can’t b

one our best but we cannot save Jose.” “He received 5 shots and one sh

logo shirt. That is our only lead. Little that we know, they are part of Demonia. Demonia is a secret evil society according to

, I said. “You are still too young.”,

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