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Dahman And His Luna

Chapter 5 Romeos and Juliet

Word Count: 2147    |    Released on: 23/01/2022

into Dahman’s face. She turned her head slightly and Conall was spooning her from behind. She snuggled into both of them as m

intertwined legs and arms with theirs. She sighed in content

w well did you sleep?” T

no disturb here.” She tells them tryi

cannot give our Jul

g and playing with her. She pulls the covers over her head so they could not

would start from the chest down, then tickle the pee out of her to ‘wake’ her up. Da

covers and tried wriggling out of their hands. She was thrashing about kicking her leg

pee myself…Stoooppppp,” she is laughin

r cheek moving to her ea

you Da

stop p


“OKAY! I am awake you both win… now will you all stop?”

er breast and the other kisses his way to her nether regio

er pleasure as she gave them pleasure in the same way. They took turns plunging their cock

marked him on both sides of his neck. Her Lycan was the first then her dragon, but she lingered a little longer than she was suppose

ust as beautiful as Conall’s Lycans was. Conall’s mark on her was in the form of two Lycans intertwined with a blue moon r

he day. They skipped training because of their mating escapade this morni

of the pack members and family is preparing to sit down to eat breakfast. The trainers, warriors who just got

ld you she had two mates,’ ’Could you feel the p

and Dahman at the head of the table. She was their Juliet and

ke to introduce you to her, Dahman and Dee are mates and have completed their bond this morning as you all are well a

o please spread the word and all are welcome to join.” Dahman joins in with the announc

lies decided to have lunch and spend some time at the beach that afternoon so they a

els good, I promise.” One of

minute, let me finish

image to Conall and Dahman so they can see what she is seeing. She does not recognize the person but he too is takin

o the dungeons and starts asking questions. This guy looks familiar but not sure where he knows him from. He se

y stayed a couple hours had lunch and spent some time in the sun relaxing but she had to get back even though Dahman and Conall had everything under

her women and we should pack up and leave.” Larry said.

ow where they are coming from. I tell you what get the guys pack up the tent, food and everything el

ther the stuff and i

the vehicles keep playing but stay right

going on?”

me and got a guy took him back to the house and we are leaving. Larry is going

ant anything happening

w there is something big going to happen but not sure what it is or when

“Or turned, that would be helpful to all of you.”

“What? Did he tell you he would do that?”

t the pack and what it stands for

“Well, frankly I am surprise he hasn’t changed you yet. That dud cannot wait for anything, but I know he’s waiting to see what is going to happen plus he knows what you have just been through and does not want to make you feel like you have to do anything right now. Rebekka he loves you very much and wants to take his tine with you.”

but I do not

et him turn you rig

s of my life I am so ready for a change in my life and I am so thank

mething but you do know he did

“The last time she did not want to talk to me or about him.”

“He was the one to rape her, she is here in the pack with a very loving husband and she even has a couple kids now. Look her up and let her know that you are here. She knows he is dead and will never bother her or you ever again.”

Is she turned too

wedding night and she is a

ards and lions which are Leopons and let

get their kids dried and packe

m school, she wanted to see what she looked like turned. If she is being honest with herself she wanted to

ion open with Dee. He sees that there are some humans on the path they are supposed to take back but tells

e sure they know who they are up against so they to advantage of driving t

rry ran into trouble in the air which forced him down from th

ed. They beat him up pretty bad but did not kill him they wanted him alive. Larry was not really the one they

told them that those same guys were on their path and in the woods waiting for them to pass through. They stopped their vehicles, got out and ra

down quietly and gets him loose but he cannot move much because he is badly beaten and drugged. A

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