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Mated With the Prince Of Hell

Chapter 2 cross path

Word Count: 1023    |    Released on: 20/01/2022

E (Two Y

rson, an ordinary girl

? Get down here; you'

wered the calls fro

itchen and immediately sat down in front

orite!" I commented, seeing th

wered me with

o to the Lake for a picnic? I r

the caretaker at the flo

't do another idea," I say it and start my hea

ents for the food, so cal

. "Be careful on the street," I reminded her. When my mother


" I whispered, inhalin

of my bag and put it on

Your birthday i

hbor, who is busy w

en I saw a cat on the road w

laimed and pedale

r humans," I murmured, and in a wink, I stopped in the middle o

f the car soared int

sighed in relief and

mmit suicide? " The dri

e the driver already out of t

ront of me was stunning. His blue eyes are mesm

man seemed to have read my mind

n approached me and bent dow

us stun just to get noticed. Your bea

ughts when the guy touched my chin an

t. I can sense str

. I looked at him with regret, "What a waste... you are handso

en I started pedaling, but his

I murmured and hurr

iedly slammed my bike and started to walk in

e bell rang! "I look at m

risk pace while I was blami

o rest and hurriedly pulled me into our classroom because our terr

ntered a crazy man, "I said to Xia as we al

You need to learn how to use a c

ause she had told the truth. I'm not looking


he professor entered the classr

reate noise for fear of being thrown out

on page one hu

Prof. Carol Villar started, and I

brain flying? I'm just asking

in embar

e always gazing. I'm giving you a task! I want you to research the hi

ive my reasons. Because I am sure my t

d, Xia approached m

u can finish the assignment given by Pro

om is already preparing recipes that she will cook for m

he Mystic Lake that is

aybe because I'm turning eig

your birthday celebration conti

g? "I asked when X

Mr. Conor. He knows th

and I quickly

. Conor, but instead of the janitor

m!" I ex

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