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Mated With the Prince Of Hell

Mated With the Prince Of Hell

Author: JayMie

Chapter 1 The Future

Word Count: 1030    |    Released on: 20/01/2022

st in the dark a

lamming into my arms and legs. All I wante

my blunder almost brou

g and striving to live

rier! A year apart is just too long! " Seeing the s

h and raised my han

t shatter, I yelled. I became enraged and hit the tru

o acquire enough power? I pondered as

y humanity to obtain power, but it seems that I will b

Claire Anderso

s I rise to my feet. "Ho

I know what's on your mind and

are a devil-like parasite that refus

n't want to injure her body, but the

d me!" We've merged into one body, and it's now

ether the person I'm speaking with is telling the t

n't get away from us! Xia declares as sh

vampires emerge one

n the face of my might. Because I care for Xia's body, you'

come you, but he can," Xia smile

rying to shatter for a long

n I saw the guy app

t my excitement was quickly replaced by unc

sn't happening, "I murmured, ho

guy you love has disappeared! " Please welcome our Lord Hades

strong man who will not be

you, I'd give up so you could be with Ia

mplemented by a foreig

e, and I promise you'll enjoy the improvem

you is the only way for me to reclaim Ian G

ght Xia and the other vampires with the

Gabriel-he's the reincarn

battling me!"

es had encircled me, their fa

er me!" I shouted and waved my hand

unding me flew away. Rather than be

d me in capturing their souls and mak

flick of my finger, the va

ell-the princess of all races," Hades c

her; my power is sufficient to ov

, and Xia's voice va

iate for you. But there's something lacking... What a vamp

oughts, I take

vampire, you will be able to defeat the other d

capable of defeating all demon lords!"

no longer with you, and if you want h

ampires go to hell, and I

were a witch? You c

s words, I ca

't reverse what occurre

sappeared into his stand, and Hades reappeared i

d!" "Welcome to the

to my chest, and I don'

of the past f

re was d

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