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Loving Rex Angelo

Chapter 5 Without an idea of what she's done

Word Count: 1298    |    Released on: 25/01/2022

s meeting to be over while hugging the documents tightly to her ches

I simply made a fool of myself, going in there and freezing like iced fish." Cherry complained to no one other t


g out in their expensive suits. They were dressed in rare fashioned materials that were uncommon in most parts of the US. Some of t

breath. She grudgingly watched them as they all entered

trolling, and possessive nature Cherry had been the victim of their weird nature. She describes them as evildoers l

ked her when his visitors w

the fingerprints from the previous slap were still

d not putting on

g about." He took a step closer to her, they could

she carried herself with pride to her desk while Rex followed behind like a dog. Cherry be

" Rex roughly grabbed her by th

Cherry yelled back at him tw

you've been much trouble." Rex

u aren't my boss!" S

ave no idea who you are

am messing with

ered his voice glaring

" Cherry smiled victoriously at her statement towards him. Rex became furious with

me. It's better you stop your acts now before it w

ng a straight answer. She was so keen on proving

her back on the ground that was when she r

aused seeing the awkward position they were in. He nervously stumb

him his eyes no


oes he

ue sir." The

without looking at the man. The man behind q

tion surprised him which made him jerk his hand away glaring at her. "I will

appeared into the elevators. Rex poked his head out looking at

from behind Cherry, startling her to the bones, Cherry looked behind her to see

asked the strange man, gett

oint out if he was answering her to make her fe

again, trying to figure out wh

tead of answering. Cherry looked at him like he was

to reach for her purse. She did try putting up a strict face

ng to realize anything." He sai

y mouth." Cherry

disbelieving look, telling

sation to a whole different level, though she solidly p

erboxes because I have a j

just in

He smirke

tard." She

e piece of wor

me?" Cherry asked

e, neither is he the best you can come across. You should consider yourself lucky and blessed you still have your job and you aren't a victim of Rex Angelo firin

o get what you have."

his words kept haunting her mind when she did not want to think about it. Sh

desk and sat on the chair. She then leaned back t

?" She asked herself finally after


ghts on this chapter. Better cha

y re

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