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Loving Rex Angelo

Chapter 1 Job hunting in the city of So-Ho

Word Count: 1746    |    Released on: 25/01/2022

ved. Everything is about your heart. Some people wonder 'how i

er or weak. Your choice on how it starts or how it


t smile spreading evidently on her pale face it nearly reached her eyes, Cherry sighed in contentment as the sun peeking through the curtains war

checked the time. "In ten minutes. Yeah, ten more minutes... I still have time to take a nap and still be there in..." Cherry lazily release a yawn and laid back on

getting ready. She immediately jumped out of bed, took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, and did a super dress-up, wearing the first thing her hand touched, from the pile of clothes

ack to the small living room. "Dolly! I'll be back in an hour or so, don't go to the garbage sink!" She called out to the sleeping dog, napping quietly


ive. It was very unusual that the bus took longer to arrive and Cherry w

nside of her. Lightly, Cherry impatiently tapped her foot on the concrete sidewalk looking left to right for her bus. Finally, a bus came and parked at the bus

s all through the ride hoping she didn't miss this great opportunity. This kind of opportunity was rare and not to talk about the other interviews she was going to h

t tire!" The d

ening to me it's too early for

iew. She was determined to go even though there was a slim chance of getting the job, Cherry wasn't known to sit idle if some

slim shoulders, she felt her armpits were also sticky, but refused the urge t

hile letting out the brightest smile she could form. Cherry expected little kindness fr

u will ever get the job."She scoffed visibly and eyed Cherry from head to foot, washing her with her evil eyes. Cherry ignored the receptionist'

kin-" The rude wo

on the computer totally ignoring Cherry's presence. In other not to make her mood bad and disappointing Cherry took the tag and quietly walked to the elevator, she hits the

ght remembering the directions the mean receptionist gave her and followe

ing you with their eyes. A pin will drop and be heard from the silence in the room. Cautiously she stepped into the room filled with many, many

or the interview to start just like the others. Cherry secretly assessed the candidates, from their confident clothes she knew

women eager to get the job of working with the famous billionaire, she knew she was no match for the job as most of the candidates here had higher qualifications and s

repeatedly said the interview will begin in five minutes. Cherry got co

ce recording?

ir, her butt even hurt badly from sitting for a long time. Cherry wished to God this interview would start on time so she would be able to leave as she had other interviews to attend should in case this one didn't work ou

rview' she assured herself but wondered why a rich man would call out a vacancy at his company while k

she looked up to see a very tall attractive man wearing a dark blue suit, his hands were tucked in his pocket his jaw strong and h

e asked Cherry, making her straig

She quickly

ards down, they all walked into the elevator and the man pressed a button that took the elevator up, not long a

f paper on the table, Cherry went to fill in t


her. "Resume tomorrow, nine-thirty sharp. Lateness is prohib

still trying to wrap her mind w

red ."Was a

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