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Heiress Clara A Queen In The Making

Chapter 4 Sneaking Out

Word Count: 1127    |    Released on: 12/01/2022

on and through her gear in her bag along with her masking scent. She already put on her masking scent grabbed her bag wrapped her cloak around her and started walking out of her bedroom. She made sure the coast was clear a

d ran to the woods which luckily we're not being patrolled at this time. The gu

never see her, if she had any siblings and hold they are. Before reaching her destination she uncloaked herself and set up her equipment while others did the sa

round certain people the pull and nagging feeling she knew them or of them was excruciating strong. Most members kept their

ember we are stronger in our human form which makes us stronger in our anima

son and take off running on th

ner she really is and to let them all know that she means business and she is not a force to be reckoned with. Running she moved way out front of all of them and finished her laps twent

k you are all that and then s

u are against me and everyone else." C

kicks and so forth. Each team will have an elite trainer to help you and pointing to your weaknesses are and how to be better not to show them this

the group sa

d everyone who wanted to be up against him and his pack had to be ready for anything that was thrown at them. Last part of training was self-defense with Kraal Maga, mixed martial arts, Chinese martial arts, Muay Thai and several others. E

trainer came in and did the same once all others left to return to their homes. She could

nd sister from the castle? He refuses to talk

happened to Felix he would come forth and do everything in his power to take you and take o

be the next in line since nobody else wants to be the king?

t was getting pretty late in the morning and dad would want to know where she had been. She got up gave them all

owing she had just done so. She uncloaked and unscented herself. Waking to the ring were Xavior and Dunken w

d can we skip

t you and your people to protect so get ready to ha

going against either of

e it any other wa

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