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SACRED: The Chosen One

Chapter 5 The Dragon

Word Count: 1631    |    Released on: 11/01/2022

en One (The Diam

wakening th


e Dr

sted, out of water, food, and ever

rself to sit on the ground before sitting down there, her sweaty

ly we need rest!” He replied dr

t?” He sniffed harder standing up. “There is a village around h

oods. In front of them is some kids running around

so indecent you’d think the nice smell isn’t coming from there. They look so

oples as it seems the village has a small market a

woman with two child, one blind and the other normal. Getting discourage the girl start having though

g everything her brother got and tiptoed outside, ready to go

scared me!” She said looking around to make

wonder what you’re doing outside all alone by yourself.” She placed both palm on the little child

ence sometimes works with destruction. Together we’ll find the key and know the way, but for now let be patient and le

ldn’t comprehend she went back inside reciting on the blind girl’s last words ‘for now let be


ght smile plastered on her face, she glanced beside her to still see her brother deep in slumber. Slamming a palm hardly on his shoulder h

She said also standing up fully. “I wanna go swim!” Her kiddish mode suddenly switched in as she fold her arm wi

se do

!!!!!!” She yel


explanations. None of this happening right now is breaking through m

e energy radiating around me, I felt the needs

around me start spreading and surroun

ith the beautiful trees blooming, the new

r that actually sent my smiley fa

tire existence. It roar one more time becoming visible,

d so disturbed and angry, fire steams

ose till he came roaring loud

dead. Nothing came as I opened my face

ing to my level as his eyes glowed red. He start changing with the whitish du

beautiful fiery creature, he look so amazing, his tail sharp and long, his eyes r

ppy, I starred with a smile on my face ha

ss from him alone his killing me. I struggled finally breathing free air when he placed me back down. He blinked cutely at

see how beautiful this place is now is. I won’t be telling mom because th

ive me back calmness and soothing e

eveloping inside my head, I held it in pain

destroy the place I just brought back to live. I staggered going to mom’

entrance of mom’s room, my cloak turning da

art kissing everywhere, thunder claps loudly from t

rumbling. Mom rushed out shouting I should be gone but all to avail. None

stroying the whole palace. How am I doing thi

ally hard taking control back to move my hand pl

y ears as I keep destroying the p

ng us on a dried land with a big city surrounding us all. There she stood glowing in

like a menacing warrior I stopped turning the water

down, he picked me up by my cape flying away and leaving eve

h for powers anymore, I wanna be different but not lik

end with the sky air as the dragon fl

e my eyes I’m already seeing a blank empty big field again, I quickly keep my e

art gently tossing me off his back, I stood

r part of this cave. “Welcome Kale, have being expecting!” I heard a voice


who saved the palace f

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