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SACRED: The Chosen One

Chapter 2 Kale Lane

Word Count: 1585    |    Released on: 11/01/2022

en One (The Diam

wakening th


le L


rk clouds. The whoosh heard from the waves crashing harshly towards the shores, an he

se who are after her life. Enhanced dark sirens, sent to take her life, because she’s the pri

n’t fought back when they first attack her, she swam fa

w full nails in her heart when she screamed, she screamed in fear, the scream sendi

aded into legs, it her first time coming to or seeing the surface. Not surprise of how everything is happe

ddenly go back to normal, the sea ba


passed out yesterday I haven’t waked up. My brain recurring how it all

That I do

alone, wrapped with my tiny fingers wiggli

st don’t fit in. I was thrown out or executed from

Lane brought up by the queen herself. She help all the way she can finding w

y mates then. I’m not given everything but I have all I need then at the palace, but the maids and everyone except

hings she made for me telling her I misplace it till she stopped, always pic

o serve the queen, they always pick on me, ate my dinner, and threatened if the queen know about this they’d wipe

their next bad move, I don’t know how it happened. I just know they came, they do or sort, but one thing that triggered what bothering me now is them saying I shouldn’t exist, that I don’t have parents, that nobody shoul

g I also developed, my powers start working with how I feel, my emotions,

o I am, what I am, my blurred past, my co

them to teach me, I was happy then when my powers fina

up that blocked something but it seems to be blocked forever. It opens one time, anytime w

find a clue to who I am, I gave up when I almost killed all

he student in particular. Not giving up on me the queen consult more elders, they said I shou

t the bottom of the main school, there I sit all day s

I almost killed all the student. What exactly is that dark thingy that always take over me whenever my pow

ghs, face rested and eyes closed. I breathe in gently feeling the air

kept my eyes closed focusing on that one thing

here is something in me, so

my mind blank, then created a young image of myself, an

oming blurred, slowly the blurriness also fading away. “Kale!” The woman called raisi

patted her back assuring her it okay. The fun and cute scene am seeing changed when the baby my

he said drawing the child back to

y tornado gather beneath his feet, he’s eyeball

y Lane! But I have to do it!” She screamed be

What happened!” I glanced

repeating the same step, and nothing came up, n

er’s arm, it obvious both people I saw are my parents. Wait before it went blank my mom was doing s

piral prompting my mom to cast a locking spell, but what

witch lineage, her chanting a spell only means she’s a spell caster. But my


flames, his eyes shunning light sapphire blue. “Merrily it shall be, together they sh

nd. “Who or Wha


hought on t

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