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Alpha's Slut Mate

Chapter 2 CH 02

Word Count: 1157    |    Released on: 14/12/2021


tried looking at who she was talking to but could not figure out who it

ell. She appeared in front of the lady and

here?" Nessa asked with an arc

from you." Simone a

to pr

e sco

od. Look, I know you are an heartless assassin but

ball of purple mist suddenly appeared on Simone's stretched hand. Nessa looked up suddenly and saw it coming towards her but it was too late. The mist hit her on her right arm, making her drop t

the line. Permit me." She gritted her teeth and a ball of wine mist appeared on both palms of hers. She fiercely directed it at Simone who s

tapped her shoulders. While she was busy groaning on

turn around, Simone punched her in the temple, making

and crouched d

no reply, Simone pulled a dagger that was in its sheath in Nessa's boots. "You surrendered surprisingly, easily." Sh

ed to be free from it. And guess what? I am making it easy for you." Simone said as she pushed the dagger swiftly into her heart. Then

mone wa

orced on

nating was never wh

fluence. She had no choice an

to cause Athena the pa

r. Just as she was about to say that last word of the spell, she felt something pierced through her stomach

ld's face. The child did not stop crying the whole time. Simone did not bother to look back, she dragged her feet towards her destination. Blood oozed out from her

to her sister kept



d also muttered some quietude spell for the child to stop crying. But since her

at she was looking

and stared at the baby in her ar

had given and wrapped it round the ch

embered something, th


ould k

the child with

do this." S

the child's forehead. Then suddenly, a brig

protect you." She sa

" She mumbled and slowly released her from the spell. The c

; ice covered her entire body. She had used the forbidd

pass it across to her sister, Eleanora. She slowly closed her eyes and she froze

w everything away. The witches cowered in fear

" She fumed with heavy breath. She had

th the south wing. Till the day, she sets her eyes on her daughter, seeing the light of the day will be impossible."

r's message but a lone tear slipped down

d not be able to ac

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