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Alpha's Slut Mate

Alpha's Slut Mate


Chapter 1 CH 01

Word Count: 1404    |    Released on: 14/12/2021



mone asked with her breath

rted as she held unto the wailing newborn strongly. They stood opposite each other. It was quite dark. They could ba

child to me." Simone said in a low d

fact that you are related to her, please go. Your mother told me that if anyone tries to stop me, I should eliminate the pe

t led t


nt lights roaming everywhere adding more to the nervousness and an

wer ranked witch. The lady scurried faster, carr

with heart beating at a fa

midwife urge

hunder storms and lightning bolts everywhere. The curtains of the roo

her vagina. They were both sweating profusely. The heat in the room could not

her face. She definitely cannot give up. Not when this child is the only symbol of their love. The chi

allow and her eyes closing slowly. The midwife noticed this and hit her so h

ead of the child popped out. An

h!!!" The midwife shouted again and the th

came out fully, draining the woman's energy. Th

e entire west wing and unto the skie

mid wife announced

hild was soaked in blood and other fluids. The woman managed to pull her lips up to a smile as she saw her baby girl. She slowly slid up and placed her head on the hea

hat when she will be having their child, he will be beside her, ho

She was driven by circumstances a

tood up and ex

er top in anxiety. She turned around as

Are.. they fine?" She bombard

mone." The midw

There's no cause for worry." The midwife soothed

n to see her?

e scurried past her and pushed the door open. She sa

Eleanor forced a look

sad smile. Simone beamed a brigh

you got me?" She said

now." Ele

Eleanora nodded her head in agreement. Then suddenly, they felt an unyielding energy radiating from afar which seemed

corner of her eye with he

he abomination, haven't you?" A

lways defied me, when will you live up to your

ked witches that were her attendants. The lady scurried past h

realised that she could not move. Her moth

r hands. She took the baby and walked back to their mother. Thei

oked at her mother, pleading and imploring her not to do what she was intend

ged to beg with broken voice. Simone kept fighting against th

er the south wing and should not be brought out or visited witho

Eleanora cried out as she scrambled off the bed and trying

red at them while they walk away. Simone finally br

t them kill her... She is my baby... I can't let them kill her..." She s

et them kill her.

Eleanora begged her as

sister this weak before and it was not comforting at all. Then they heard the sounds of th

anora said as she place

dered and the guards marched t

ast time and slowly passed out due to exhaustion.

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