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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 899    |    Released on: 30/11/2021


ng out like that young

high jeans buckled boots, her hair tied back all bushed out like she’d had a fight with a lawn mower and it won! Ey


driana as if to say


?’ Kaleen asked

that she’s dressed s

like it these days

th her hair spiked up edging off in all directions. Her makeup literally caked on black eyeliner and mascara to ma

erself! I only d

an take it

Candice snapped trying not to cry even

lady I’ve had eno

Kaleen said grabbing Candice by he

u’re going? I haven’t

are.’ Candi

added as she slammed

to the dock and met up with

Candice repli

s, you look great, just forget about he

trying to break a smil

itch had to start daint

?’ Kare

believe that bitch she accused me of dre

look great.’

t or she’s too old before

t you both a dr

n replied as th

s until closing. Then went out of the pub down to the R

ing, so loud they couldn’t even hear themselves think let al

the bare tender smiled at h

ounter to serve her.

ne Newky brown and one

ting the fridge door behind him. ‘That’ll be seven

she shoved into her pocket. She picked up the bottles off the counter

e yo

plied taking thei

hope we all stay friends

e bottles together, downing them in on

sitting down whilst the others were still dancing to the extremely loud music. The

lean man standing in front of her with sandy coloured hair with the b

‘So what’s

en replied. ‘K

name for such

at suppose

he flowers, you look like a flow

ks I

me on time to go your wicked stepmother w

ond standing in front of her. ‘Sorry I’ve got to

you a

thought as they w

with her friends, but they were way ahead of her as she thought about the gorgeous bar man and if she’d ever

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