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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 502    |    Released on: 30/11/2021

ing the night with Mark after an

eatin' y


hers, kissing her smoothly, and passionately. Kaleen cl

me a p

lied, giving her A

's many branches, Kaleen loosed her

u think you

riana struggling to hold on to the branch as is

na screamed as the branch came t

rieking her head splitting into two blood see

you thinki


't it? She's getting yo

be nice if she wou

le, if we could make all

she we

that. You two wi

dad had never met her let alone married her, all she'd done had had brought misery to the family poor Candice how could she have put up with her for all of these years torture sprang to mind pure torture for the past

forward. '

lling him close to her there lips touc

ome on we'd bette

n's got to say about tomorrow he

heading towards Kaleen's.

never we do anything together and she hates us being as close as we

rk asked

bad influence. C

lled up outside of the house. 'We

h su

in college an


on the cheek. She got out of the

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