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The Hybrid's Destiny

Chapter 2 The signs

Word Count: 1576    |    Released on: 24/11/2021


, last month we lost all our grain and it's one of the things that makes us a lot of money. The month before that we lost five of our biggest clients in a shady way and

, apparently, she was kidnapped when she was two years old and that is nearly twenty-six years ago. Then five years later they adopted me, and the alpha made me his

who was kidnapped at the age of two, I don't think she is still alive and if she was; I am sure we would have found her over the years. My father says he can't

ddess, we have the sapphire wolf, that can take the shape of anything, that one is just a shapeshifter that likes his wolf form, nothing more. There a

ew up together and went to school together. Now he is my beta and just about the only person who knows me better than my mother. I fe

er. We would both give anything to see that woman smile again and the only person who can bring back her smile is her. The worse part is that we don't k

er now? Am sure if she is still alive, she is a grown woman." he is right I know but we can't just give up. "I know what you mean but we can't just give

ls with the witches, if it's them then what would be the reason? "Can you do something for me, Derick?" I asked now my mind working overtime. "Anything, alpha." He sa

d if I can't, I must at least know where you are going, alpha." A good beta he is. "I am going to see the witches; I need to know if it was them who killed my warriors and why,

ease. "Alright alpha, be careful." I nod and leave. I shift into my wolf one more time and run to the witches coven. The witches are peaceful people and k

up to more of my people dead Tyger.' I tell him. 'I understand I was just telling you so that you can be careful.' He tells me, I know he is right but for now, I w

t your warriors?" I nod. "It was not us or anyone for that matter, the gods and the Goddess are angry. The time for the princess to come home has long passed by five years. They have been

he same problems I am?" from what I have read in the history books the royal family was killed and no one survived. In the first few year'

. "You are the only one having these problems because the princess belongs to your pack, she is your father's daughter." She tells me then turns and leaves me standing there with

of the purest kind, the only Lycan and some from the Mood Goddess's descent. While we are only their grate, grate, I don't know how many grates grandchild

en years after the war ended? What are they afraid of and was my sister really kidnapped or was

hift and let him take control. 'Take us home Tyger' I tell him before giving him all the control. I don't want to think r

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