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The Hybrid's Destiny

The Hybrid's Destiny

Lady Tamia


For twenty-six years she led a human life, one that was not fulfilling, one that could not satisfy her no matter how much she tried. One day when life gets too hard, she leaves her kids with her sister and goes camping. This was to give herself 'me time' time away from everything to try and find herself. But what she found was more than she had hoped for as she stumbles across her werewolf mate and finds out that she is a hybrid. A long-lost child of the alpha and Luna of one of the most powerful packs around.

Chapter 1 The beginning


"You don't have to look so sad all the time now Tania and you don't have to be locked up in this house every day. Go out there and have fun. Meet new people and socialize." My sister Lorraine says, I know she means well but I work every day and when I come home, I have kids that need me. I don't have time for friends and socializing. I wish she could understand that I don't only live for myself now, I am a mom, and I must think of my kids.

"I know I don't have to be locked up here, but I don't feel like going anywhere, even if I wanted to go out who will I go with? I don't have friends and going out alone is just lame." I picked up the toys from the floor packing them in their box, when Theo and Liam play, they leave their toys scattered all over. "Invite a colleague then and go out with her." Well, that is just desperate, what would they think of me?

"Nope, I am not doing that, I am fine like this." She sighs shaking her head. "Little sis, I know you thought that you and the kids' father were going to live happily ever after, but it didn't work out. At least go out there and find someone. I hate to see you like this Tania, you are only twenty-seven and you can still find love." Well, my ex-fiancé the boy's father cheated on me and had a child with another woman.

When I found out, I broke the engagement and left him. We dated for eight years, after we had Theo, he proposed and while planning our wedding when Theo was five, well you might wonder why I waited so long to get married but at the time I was not ready, I felt like I was still young to be married but he kept insisting and I agreed to marry him. When Theo was five, we started with the wedding planning but then a month later I found out that I was pregnant with Liam, and I stopped the planning.

When Liam was a year and half, I found out that he had an affair as old as Liam. Meaning the time, we were planning a wedding he was involved with this other woman, and while I was processing that. I found out that he has a three-year-old daughter with another woman besides the one he was currently cheating with. That means he has been cheating on me for years I just didn't know and there was nothing that said he was cheating because he was always there and never gave me a reason to doubt him.

When I left him and broke the engagement I moved in with my sister and her kids. We don't have parents anymore, it's just us and our kids. She is divorced and working as a night nurse. She took nights so that she can look after the children during the day while I go to work, and I look after them during the night and on weekends. Now with a busy schedule like that, how does one add friends and a social life to that?

"If I am to be with someone else, it has to be someone who will be able to accept my kids because there is no me without them and tell me. Who will want to be with a single mother of two when there are so many single women with no kids out there?" no guy would want to date someone with baggage, and I have a lot. That is why I don't even think about finding a man or love. "Fine, but I want you to go somewhere for a weekend next week when am off, I don't care who you take but I want you to go." I can do with a break; it's been long since I went anywhere without the kids and maybe this will be good for me.

"Alright then, I will go." She smiles at me. "I will look for a place for you to go to and before you say anything. I will look for one that is surrounded by nature preferably with a forest and a river." I smile at her, there is something about nature that soothes me, but I haven't been anywhere near nature in a while. This city is busy with a lot of factories and tall buildings. Nothing of nature around here. "Thank you, sis." I give her a quick hug.

"That's what sisters are for." She wiggles her eyebrows, and I laughed. "Mama! Mama!" I turned and my baby Liam is running towards me. A smile breaks on my face, and I pick him up. "What is it, baby?" I question planting a kiss on his forehead. "He wants food." His brother says coming in. "Do you also want to eat Theo?" he nods and sits next to my sister. My son is a gentleman, he has a calm personality while Liam is the opposite. Loud and energetic.

I made their food and watched them with a smile as they ate. I wish I could have given them more, a family but things did not work out that way, and hope they forgive me for not staying with their father. "Don't look so sad, they say boys are protectors of their mothers, they will grow to be the best man and will always protect you no matter what, and stop thinking your children will blame you for the sins of their father." I am so grateful to have her in my life.

"Thank you for always being here for me, I appreciate everything you do for me and the kids. I love you, my dear sister." She smiles at me and pulls me to a hug then whispers in my ear. "I love you more words can describe, you are what is left of the family we used to have, you might have been adopted but the day mom arrived home with you was the best day of my life." Now she just wants to make me cry.

"Why is that, huh?" I ask even though I knew the answer, she tells me every chance she gets. "Because she gave me someone to talk to, a best friend, and the best sister in the world. I love you, baby sis." I smile tightening my hold on her. Liam comes and hugs my legs and laughed. "You want a hug too baby?" he nods looking at me with those big round and adorable eyes. My sister picks him up and throws him in the air then catches him again.

He giggles as she does the same thing again, oh, how I love my son, both of them, they are my life, but I do need sometime alone just as my sister suggested. I need to get my head straight so that I can come back and be the best mother I can be to them. I have been working hard to provide for them and not even taking a day off. A weekend away will do me good. Lorraine gives the kids a bath while I clean the kitchen after dinner then go and read them bedtime stories.

When I come out of the kid's room my sister has a laptop in front of her. "Come, take a look at this place, I think it's perfect for camping." She tells me with excitement in her voice. "It looks amazing, I love it and I can't wait to be there," I tell her looking at the beautiful greenery in the pictures, I never thought places like these existed but then again, I have not been out much so, I wouldn't know what exist and what doesn't.

"Well, only four days are left in this week and soon you will be going." She tells me and I can't help but smile. Now after seeing these pictures, I am excited about going. "I will be counting days till the day I leave. Are you sure you will be okay with the kids, or do you want me to book their nanny to help you with them?" I don't want her to look after the kids on her days off, she is supposed to rest and not look after children. I know it's a lot of work doing that.

"Don't be silly, I don't need help looking after them, we are going to have fun while you are gone." She tells me and I nod. "If you say so, now let me go to bed, I have a long day ahead tomorrow," I tell her while covering my mouth yawning. "It never stops with your work, there is always a new demanding client to please and I don't even know why you have to be the one to always deal with these assholes." She said annoyed.

"Dealing with those asshole helps me make my bonus to take care of those two kids," she rolls her eyes. "Fine! I swear the day you leave that place your boss will cry." She says closing her laptop. "I doubt that," I tell her walking upstairs to my room.

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