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Author: Peppy Mac


Word Count: 768    |    Released on: 18/11/2021

but different mothers; t

love triangle which stormed their world with the appearance of Hades Edwards; a plot to ki

nds out her worst enemy

pursuer, seeking her life.

deceit, suspense and guilt trailing


ss the country and overseas. He had great influence whatsoever and runs

became every ladies dream guy. Foregoing all this, he fell in love with Jane Leo, the daughter of

quely matched up her monolid, baby blue eyes– spotlessly drawing out her be

E.O of her own restaurants with one i

eautiful daughter, named Miriam Parker. She was just the combination of the two if i


enly weather. The fluffy white clouds, yet clearing off the skies, making way for the sunshine,

ed, yet, Jane wasn't one who fancy a bunch of such. With just, Berla, Miriam

casionally caught her attention– the sweet aroma of the sandwich, erupted the bare

e....over here, b

nknown to her. John instinctively clasped his hands and flexed them for awhil

late for the meeting.....I'll be off now, wil

o make up for his excuse. A smile sponta

love and will always love you. " She hugged him

"Okay, mum.." He teased and they

ade out of sight before returning back to her chores. John quickly got

ane stared, watching the tail of his car disappear in the distance. She b

, are they still in bed?" She stuttered before

day at High school and Miriam had to rush to the University for her ch

ker; who was just a carbon-copy of his father. Their family was just a happy one wh

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