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Peppy Mac


Born to the same father but different mothers; the story of two sisters. Miriam Parker and Gina Mills, enemies for unknown reasons. Fueled with the added unexpected love triangle which stormed their world with the appearance of Hades Edwards; a plot to kill Gina soon became the only devious solution for Miriam to claim the heart of her 'beloved" What happens when she finds out her worst enemy is her, " Half Sister "? Faced with a cold-blooded pursuer, seeking her life.... will Gina survive death? Follow the journey of love, betrayal, deceit, suspense and guilt trailing in the lives of these "HALF SISTERS".


Born to the same father but different mothers; the story of two sisters.

Miriam Parker and Gina Mills, enemies for unknown reasons. Fueled with the added unexpected love triangle which stormed their world with the appearance of Hades Edwards; a plot to kill Gina soon became the only devious solution for Miriam to claim the heart of her 'beloved"

What happens when she finds out her worst enemy is her, " Half Sister "?

Faced with a cold-blooded pursuer, seeking her life.... will Gina survive death?

Follow the journey of love, betrayal, deceit, suspense and guilt trailing in the lives of these "HALF SISTERS."


John Parker was a multimillion known for his numerous business tags across the country and overseas. He had great influence whatsoever and runs majority of his companies both in America and Russia, just to say a few.

With his ivory neutral undertone skin which coupled his almond, hazel eyes and ebony black hair; he became every ladies dream guy. Foregoing all this, he fell in love with Jane Leo, the daughter of his father's childhood friend. They grew together and became friends due to their parents' bonding.

Just as simple as Jane was, her beauty was unpeckable. Her golden skin, uniquely matched up her monolid, baby blue eyes– spotlessly drawing out her beauty. And just like, John; Jane had her spot which she comfortably shone in.

Apart from her beauty, she was the C.E.O of her own restaurants with one in America and the other in California.

John and Jane finally settled down after two years courting and a year later had a beautiful daughter, named Miriam Parker. She was just the combination of the two if it comes to beauty– her close set, emerald eyes, perfectly fit her heart shaped face.

***** MONDAY ********

It was a regular Monday morning in the Parkers' mansion, the day was still young with it's heavenly weather. The fluffy white clouds, yet clearing off the skies, making way for the sunshine, the sweet aura of the morning dew coupled with its fragrance, gave serenity to the environment.

Although the Parkers were wealthy enough to get all the maids they ever wanted, yet, Jane wasn't one who fancy a bunch of such. With just, Berla, Miriam's nanny, she carried on her chores perfectly just the eloquent woman she was.

As she got busy with the family's breakfast, a quick steady taps from the stairs occasionally caught her attention– the sweet aroma of the sandwich, erupted the bare corridors. Turning half way to the door as she still went on her chores, Jane echoed.

"Is that you, love....over here, breakfast is ready."

Taking a stand a step apart, he sighed; he looked quite in hast for reasons unknown to her. John instinctively clasped his hands and flexed them for awhile, before giving her a broad smile which was as startling as it was refreshing.

"Sorry honey.." He exuded. "I'm really running late for the meeting.....I'll be off now, will sure make it up to you when I get back, huh?"

He pleaded, showering hugs and kisses, to make up for his excuse. A smile spontaneously played at the corners of her lips.

"Okay, agreed but always have it in mind.... I love and will always love you. " She hugged him and as she redrew, added. "Take care out there."

He nodded, wearing a broad smile. "Okay, mum.." He teased and they both chuckled. "I'm off now, bye."

He kissed a goodbye and hurried out. Jane cheerfully watched his back fade out of sight before returning back to her chores. John quickly got into his black jeep on getting to the garage and carefully drove it out.

Watching out of the glass window which brought bare the whole compound, Jane stared, watching the tail of his car disappear in the distance. She briefly smiled, turning her now full attention back to what she was doing.

Just then, the absence of the kids hit her. "Oh, are they still in bed?" She stuttered before calling at Berla who responded from the backyard.

"Please get the kids down for me.....Leon would be late for his first day at High school and Miriam had to rush to the University for her check ins. " She ordered and Berla quickly hurried up without hesitation.

Jane and John, after Miriam's birth with a five years interval, had a son, Leon Parker; who was just a carbon-copy of his father. Their family was just a happy one which most of their neighbours always talk about and look up to for their family goals.

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