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Lake City and the 7 Golden Scrolls - Vol 1 Mist of Death

Chapter 2 Prologue 2

Word Count: 1794    |    Released on: 14/11/2021

rth Afr

tfit was predominantly black, it glimmerd as if it had tiny diamonds sewn into the fabric. Also, it had stitching of black and green intermingled in a paisley pattern that g

way one didn't notice his eyes even in the pitch-black darkness, or rather especially in the pitch-black darkness. He looked like a man, quite an odd one at that. But it

ng our family picture and shattering the glass as it bounced on the ground, 'you are to pack as little as possible, take your son and leave for Ayu,' he

ut she slept unaware of the drama un

me to leave, I as

ou can see your kinsman before death visits his tent.' He leaned closer,

was hoping to get,' he giggled gru

egard to who I am was,' he c

n the other rooms could be heard tumbling and crashing to the

I listen to

o get off my horse,' he pat his horse,

uproot my family just so yo

f it, yes,' he an

, I began

s so f

nightmare, a bad dream. Which means I c

n Emerald the emerald coloured night mare. Get it. Means she's nocturnal. Anyway you think I'm some sort of a figment of your little imagin

ll for only

a chance. But nobody stands a cha

tructure. The walls and the ceiling separated from each other as his voice

mething before turning to face the other

use parts of you to malfunction?' his sh

hoping to end the

you'll never wish to experience in your life,' he opened his mouth wide giving me a clear view of his purplish navy-blue epiglottis, 'EV

ok my feet out of my slippers and got back under the covers and closed my eyes casually.


forting I thought. I even enjoyed the lite snore emin

warn you. Remember this is th

mas climbed on to my face and opened one eye slowly for me. And through the slit I saw him getting off his horse. A tall being with





gan to whimper out of a dreadful fear that filtered through my system like filthy acid

sed and felt during that session under his total control felt like eternity in a ti

at I can only describe as devastation and death everywhere. Bodies lay strewn on the the streets of Bantuville. Houses were burned down to the ground, and the w

changed, and I saw myself without legs, my guts no longer inside of me. I was hoping pleading and prayi

el his fingers leave and with it, reli

the blood was oozing out along with my brains. I

nced. That is your death and this city's death. That is your pain wh

sed it into my limp hand. I watched him move back slowly an

sighed and said more gently, 'it is a sacrifice you and her have to make for a cause far

reigns and turned t

the time is right for h

k even though I was not sure the words would even come out properly. I think it was

X's name will I know w


umped through the wall as if it was not there, leaving trails of


awoke to find your


face and saw the

r a while. I think there was an earthquake, the house is a me

ld have to do what the Emerald Nightmare had said I should do. I told her everything. She

igh risk. I had to explain to her again that it wasn't about taking a chance, it wasn't risk either, it was certain death for her. She n

st decision I have ever made in my entire life. Leaving your mother, taking you away from her. But,

s. I know it sounds like a crazy story, but all I have is my word, and this scroll which, I now ha

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