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Lake City and the 7 Golden Scrolls - Vol 1 Mist of Death

Lake City and the 7 Golden Scrolls - Vol 1 Mist of Death


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 583    |    Released on: 14/11/2021

the distance of

me dark and grey, night would rule throughout the day, and leaves would lose their hue, all in a mist whe

, Bantuvil

asure room without disturbance, until one day

k, kn


ed in respect, uttering

as she stood, tucked her scarf in

through the uncaring cold winds. The chill of the night crept between the gaps in their clothing, promptin

k, kn


complimented by the amber glow of a nearby fi

s a sudden change in the atmosphere, the room was ominous, a pale young woman lay eyes closed in the only bed. But t

ything p

water for your needs, and the knives

els," moving to the bed s

seated in a chair, "her temperatur

rry if we are to

ying baby shatte

everything is goin

ile her assistant deftly tied the cor

passed the midwife with the child now wrapped in swaddling, and proceeded to lift the covering

He asked repl


tly angered voice ask

have a son," answe

day of mourning

lted his head to get a view of his heir, and as his eyes settled on the child he

the midwife asked nervously, "

g at the screaming baby, he stammered, "this, this child is bl-acker t

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