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A Beta Life

Chapter 3 Two

Word Count: 1949    |    Released on: 15/03/2022


en have a clue about anyway. It's not like I'm going anywhere, but still, I like to at least act as regular as possible. Besides, I know that today some of the board members are coming in to look around, and I don't want to have strangers see me in my pj's. I try to keep whatever dignity I can. It's all I have left now. The nurses explained that the board is visiting art class because it's one of the safest areas in the institution. Aka, limited objects to be thrown at heads in here. And everyone is usually pretty docile, or else they aren't able to attend. After an hour of painting on my own, I hear feet coming down the hallway. I can hear the teacher, Ms. Hames, talking excitedly about her class and the progress she sees daily. She has made no secret of the fact that she needs funds from the board for more materials. I smirk as I overhear her going hard at the ass kissing. She is really working it today. My focus shifts from my work to the handle of the door as I prepare myself to be stared at, as visitors tend to do, trying to see if they can tell what's wrong with me. Taking a deep breath as they open the door, I smooth my long dark plait down over my shoulder and put a fake smile on my face. I hear the boys voice before I see his face. It sounds like the smooth, rehearsed kind of voice you hear in the movies. One from the dream boat lead character with the too-good-to-be-true looks. I feel compelled to raise my eyes from my art to search for the owner of the beautiful sound. My eyes meet his just as he comes into view. He stops dead in his tracks, bumping into one of the med students he's following as his gaze locks with mine. "Mate," he says just loud enough for the huge man behind him to stop and stare in the direction of the boy's gaze. I feel a sickening feeling deep in my gut. I've never felt anything like it before, the instant feeling of nausea followed by what I can only describe as a rush of emotion. A warm, calming sensation rakes through my entire body as I just throw all manners to the wind and continue to stare at the open door, seemingly dumbfounded and speechless. I blink a few times and realise the entire group is now staring at me, mouths open, no one moving or willing to speak. Like a wounded deer in headlights, I manage to shake my head and attempt to clear my thoughts. What a trip. The meds are extra strong today, I guess, and I laugh to myself as I continue to try to calm the overzealous beating of my heart and the raging of a newfound energy through my veins. The ridiculously hot guy clears his throat as my teacher barges past and into the room. Still staring, he blinks a few times and then shifts his gaze to lower over my body. I snap out of my little daydream, shamelessly ogling him as well, and the ginormous man behind the boy coughs awkwardly and taps his shoulder. The boy shoots him an annoyed look but finally tears his gaze away from me, making me shiver as he does. He bends in close to the older man and listens to whatever he's saying. I pretend to be minding my own business as the group finally walk in and Ms. Hames introduces them to me. " This is Aidalyn Craig. She's one of my most gifted students." she says proudly, gesturing to me. "Aidalyn, this is the head of the board, Mr. Lake, and his son, Argent." She points to the dark-haired boy and the very larg

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