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My only wish

My only wish


Chapter 1 Emily

Word Count: 1189    |    Released on: 10/11/2021

st thing for me to do right now?" I asked dr.smith wh

py Emily. Find some friends to hang out with, be a teenager for

school likes me, they make fun of me and I am ver

that. Anything that makes you happy." I nodded my head and loo

d asked and I took his hand in min

d that you'll loose your only child soon and at such young age as well. I just want you to be there for her, if anything happens b

have to leave my dad because he's the only family I have. My mom left him when I was twelve a

ad and started crying, praying to god tha

s later Janu

e of the way I'm dressed and because of how quiet I am. Don't worry about me too much ok? I love you." Dad sighed and I got out of the car then made my way inside the school's building. I made my way towards the office so

again." I smiled at Mrs. Abraham, a nice lady

" She smiled and hands

you're back so they don't give you a hard time. Your locker is the same as always, do you remember the code

s back." Someone shouted and I

that were all scattered. When I got to my class, I gave the teacher my note from Mrs. Abraham and he told me to take a seat anywhere I wanted. I nodded my head and made my way to the back of the class where I felt more comfortable. I sat down and rest my books on the desk then gave my attention to the teacher. After class, i made my way towards the bathroom so I could take a break for myself. I was starting to feel dizzy which I hated a lot. I took out my medication from my back pack and swallowed two huge pills that would help me. After my head stopped pounding, I made my way back to my locker to get rid of my science books then took out my next books for English class. After this we have a break which I'm happy about because I always draw on my break time. When I got to English class, i made my way towards a desk by the window but was stopped by one of my biggest bully's who held his hand out in my way. " sorry hag, this seat

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